! source file: /raid23/csomes/UVic/2.9/c_n_isotopes/last_glacial_experiments/dlgp25/updates/mtlm_state.F subroutine MTLM_STATE (POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, DZ_SOIL &, HCAP_SOIL, KS, THETA_SAT, LF, TM, TIMESTEP &, G, RAIN, SNOW, E, ESUB, M, LYING_SNOW, TS1 &, RUNOFF, SNOWMELT, MNEG) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Routine to update land surface prognostic variables ! (soil moisture, soil temperature, lying snow mass). ! Also diagnoses runoff and snowmelt !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! POINTS = IN Maximum number of land points. ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of land points. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Indices of landpoints integer POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS) integer I, L ! Surface parameters ! DZ_SOIL = IN Soil layer thickness (m). ! HCAP_SOIL = IN Soil heat capacity (W/m3/K). ! TIMESTEP = IN Timestep (s). ! KS = IN Saturated hydraulic conductivity ! THETA_SAT = IN Saturated volumetric soil moisture concentration ! (m3/m3). ! LF = Latent heat of fusion (J/kg). ! TM = Melting point of fresh water (K). ! G = IN Ground heat flux (W/m2). real DZ_SOIL, HCAP_SOIL, TIMESTEP, KS, THETA_SAT, LF, TM real G(POINTS) ! Driving variables ! RAIN = IN Rainfall (kg/m2/s). ! SNOW = IN Snowfall (kg/m2/s). ! E = IN Evapotranspiration (kg/m2/s). ! ESUB = IN Sublimation (kg/m2/s). ! M = INOUT Soil moisture (kg/m2). ! NEG = INOUT Negative Soil moisture (kg/m2). ! LYING_SNOW = INOUT Lying snow (kg/m2). ! TS1 = INOUT Soil temperature (K). ! RUNOFF = OUT Runoff (kg/m2/s). ! SNOWMELT = OUT Snow melt (kg/m2/s). real RAIN(POINTS), SNOW(POINTS), E(POINTS), ESUB(POINTS) real M(POINTS), MNEG(POINTS), LYING_SNOW(POINTS) real TS1(POINTS), RUNOFF(POINTS), SNOWMELT(POINTS) ! Local parameters ! B = Clapp-Hornberger exponent. real B parameter (B=6.6) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the soil temperature and diagnose snowmelt. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !CDIR NODEP do I=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(I) TS1(L) = TS1(L) + TIMESTEP* G(L) / (DZ_SOIL*HCAP_SOIL) SNOWMELT(L) = 0.0 if ((LYING_SNOW(L).gt.0.0) .and. (TS1(L).gt.TM)) then SNOWMELT(L) = HCAP_SOIL*DZ_SOIL*(TS1(L)-TM) & / (LF*TIMESTEP) if ((SNOWMELT(L)).gt.(SNOW(L)-ESUB(L)+LYING_SNOW(L)/TIMESTEP)) & then ! limit snowmelt to amount of snow and fix soil temperature SNOWMELT(L) = SNOW(L)-ESUB(L)+LYING_SNOW(L)/TIMESTEP TS1(L) = TS1(L) - SNOWMELT(L)*LF*TIMESTEP/HCAP_SOIL*DZ_SOIL else TS1(L) = TM endif endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the lying snow. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- LYING_SNOW(L) = LYING_SNOW(L) & + TIMESTEP*(SNOW(L)-ESUB(L)-SNOWMELT(L)) if (LYING_SNOW(L) .lt. 0.) then ! if negative snow, change extra sublimation to evaporation ESUB(L) = ESUB(L) + LYING_SNOW(L)/TIMESTEP E(L) = E(L) - LYING_SNOW(L)/TIMESTEP TS1(L) = TS1(L) + LF*LYING_SNOW(L)/(DZ_SOIL*HCAP_SOIL) LYING_SNOW(L) = 0. endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the soil moisture. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUNOFF(L) = KS*(M(L)/(1000.0*DZ_SOIL*THETA_SAT))**(2*B+3) M(L) = M(L) + TIMESTEP*(RAIN(L)+SNOWMELT(L)-E(L)-RUNOFF(L)) ! keep track of any negative moisture for conservation if (M(L) + MNEG(L) .lt. 0.) then MNEG(L) = MNEG(L) + M(L) M(L) = 0. else M(L) = MNEG(L) + M(L) MNEG(L) = 0. endif enddo return end