subroutine data (is, ie, js, je) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! data routine !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ie, is, je, js, i, iou, j, m, n real damp1, damp2, realdays, wnext real c10, c100, p001, p035 include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "ctdbc.h" include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" include "scalar.h" #if defined O_embm include "atm.h" #endif c10 = 10. c100 = 100. p001 = 0.001 p035 = 0.035 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine the disk pointers, time weight interpolation factor, ! and whether or not it is time to bring in new S.B.C. from disk ! based on the time (days) in MOM since dec 31, 1899 midnight. ! express model time in days after start of S.B.C. by adding time ! of I.C. to current model time then subtract time at start of ! S.B.C.. Note that "itemptime" was allocated in settmngr and is ! only needed as a temporary. ! need to add "dt" to the model time because the call to ! data precedes the time stepping loop which calls mom, so the ! model time has not yet been incremented when data executes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,ntdbc call addtime (initial, imodeltime, itemptime) call addtime (itemptime, idt, itemptime) call subtime (itemptime, isbcstart(n), itemptime) daysbc(n) = realdays(itemptime) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine the disk pointers, time weight interpolation factor, ! and whether or not it is time to bring in new S.B.C. from disk ! based on the time (days) in MOM since dec 31, 1899 midnight. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,ntdbc call timeinterp (daysbc(n), n, tdrec(1,n), aprec(1,n) &, ntdrec(n), period(n), method, inextd(n), iprevd(n) &, wprev(n), rdtdbc(n), inextm(n), iprevm(n)) #if defined O_sbc_in_memory rdtdbc(n) = .false. iprevm(n) = iprevd(n) inextm(n) = inextd(n) #endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read in data for each S.B.C. when necessary !----------------------------------------------------------------------- n = 1 do m=1,numsbc if ( m .eq. itaux ) then ! x component of windstress call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_TAUX', itaux &, rdtdbc(n), c10, c0) elseif ( m .eq. itauy ) then ! y component of windstress call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_TAUY', itauy &, rdtdbc(n), c10, c0) elseif ( m .eq. iws ) then ! surface wind speed call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windspd', iws &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) elseif ( m .eq. iaca ) then ! atmospheric coalbedo call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_calbatm', iaca &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) #if defined O_read_my_stf elseif ( m .eq. ihflx ) then ! heat flux call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'F_heat', ihflx &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) elseif ( m .eq. isflx ) then ! fresh water flux call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'F_salt', isflx &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) #elif defined O_replacst elseif ( m .eq. isst ) then ! replace sst and let model calculate fluxes call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_tempsur', isst &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) elseif ( m .eq. isss ) then ! replace sss and let model calculate fluxes call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_salsur', isss &, rdtdbc(n), p001, -p035) #elif defined O_restorst elseif ( m .eq. ihflx ) then ! set fluxes for restoring sst call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_tempsur', ihflx &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) elseif ( m .eq. isflx ) then ! set fluxes for restoring sss call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_salsur', isflx &, rdtdbc(n), p001, -p035) damp1 = dampdz(1)*secday/dampts(1) damp2 = dampdz(2)*secday/dampts(2) do j=1,jmt do i=1,imt sbc(i,j,ihflx) = damp1*(sbc(i,j,ihflx) - sbc(i,j,isst)) sbc(i,j,isflx) = damp2*(sbc(i,j,isflx) - sbc(i,j,isss)) # if defined O_save_flxadj && defined O_embm flxadj(i,j,1) = sbc(i,j,ihflx) flxadj(i,j,2) = sbc(i,j,isflx) # endif enddo enddo #endif #if defined O_embm_awind && defined O_embm elseif ( m .eq. iwa ) then ! surface wind angle call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windang', iwa &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) #endif #if defined O_embm elseif ( m .eq. iwxq ) then ! x component of advecting wind call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windqX', iwxq &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) elseif ( m .eq. iwyq ) then ! y component of advecting wind call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windqY', iwyq &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) elseif ( m .eq. iwxt ) then ! x component of advecting wind call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windtX', iwxt &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) elseif ( m .eq. iwyt ) then ! y component of advecting wind call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windtY', iwyt &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d elseif ( m .eq. iwxc ) then ! x component of advecting wind call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windcX', iwxc &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) elseif ( m .eq. iwyc ) then ! y component of advecting wind call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'A_windcY', iwyc &, rdtdbc(n), c100, c0) # endif #endif #if defined O_shortwave elseif ( m .eq. ipsw ) then ! penetrating shortwave radiation call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'O_penswr', ipsw &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) #endif #if defined O_mtlm elseif ( m .eq. idtr ) then ! diurnal temperature range call get_tdsbc (n, '', 'L_diurtemp', idtr &, rdtdbc(n), c1, c0) #endif endif enddo return end subroutine get_tdsbc (n, file, name, index, read, scalar, offset) implicit none character (*) :: file, name character (120) :: fname, new_file_name, text integer i, index, iou, j, n, ib(10), ic(10) logical read, exists real offset, scalar, wnext, C2K include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "ctdbc.h" logical inqvardef real tmpij(imtm2,jmtm2) C2K = 273.15 if (read) then fname = new_file_name (file) inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (.not. exists) then print*, "Error => ", trim(fname), " does not exist." stop 'get_tdsbc in data.f' endif obc(:,:,n,inextm(n)) = c0 ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = 1 ib(3) = inextd(n) ic(1) = imtm2 ic(2) = jmtm2 call openfile (fname, iou) if (inqvardef(name, iou)) then call getvara (name, iou, imtm2*jmtm2, ib, ic, tmpij &, scalar, offset) obc(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1,n,inextm(n)) = tmpij(1:imtm2,1:jmtm2) call embmbc (obc(:,:,n,inextm(n))) text = "C" call getatttext (iou, name, 'units', text) if (name .ne. "L_diurtemp".and. trim(text) .eq. "K") & obc(:,:,n,inextm(n)) = obc(:,:,n,inextm(n)) - C2K where (obc(:,:,n,inextm(n)).gt.1.e30) obc(:,:,n,inextm(n))=0. endif endif wnext = c1-wprev(n) do j=1,jmt do i=1,imt sbc(i,j,index) = wprev(n)*obc(i,j,n,iprevm(n)) & + wnext*obc(i,j,n,inextm(n)) enddo enddo n = n + 1 return end