subroutine setsed (is, ie, js, je) #if defined O_sed !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set up everything which must be done only once per run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer is, ie, js, je character(120) :: fname, new_file_name integer i, ioun, j, k logical exists, inqvardef real expb, db, difo2, difc(3) include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "csbc.h" include "coord.h" include "grdvar.h" include "levind.h" include "sed.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" dtsed = dtsedyr*yrlen*daylen nsedacc = max(nsedacc, 1) # if !defined O_sed_uncoupled if (nsedacc .gt. 1) then print*, '==> Warning: sediment model accelerated and coupled' endif # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialise sediment model !----------------------------------------------------------------------- weathflx = 0. ! weathering flux in umol s-1 sed_year = 0. carb(:,1,:) = 20.E-6 carb(:,2,:) = 2000.E-6 carb(:,3,:) = 80.E-6 dcpls(:,:,:) = 0. dcmin(:,:,:) = 0. pore(:,:) = 0. form(:,:) = 0. o2(:,:) = 150.e-6 orgml(:,:) = 0. calml(:,:) = 0. dopls(:,:) = 0. domin(:,:) = 0. dbpls(:,:) = 0. dbmin(:,:) = 0. co3_p(:) = 0. atsed = 0 ipsed = 0 map_sed(:,:) = 0 calgg(:,:) = 0.1 orggg(:,:) = 0.0002 buried_mass(:,:) = 0. buried_calfrac(:,:) = 0.1 buried_mass(1,:) = 500. kmin = max(1,kmin) ttrcal(:) = 0. rain_cal_p(:) = 0. sedsa = 0. carblith = 0. do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 if (kmt(i,j) .ge. kmin) then ipsed = ipsed + 1 map_sed(i,j) = ipsed imap(ipsed) = i jmap(ipsed) = j water_z_p(ipsed) = zw(kmt(i,j))*0.01 sedsa = sedsa + dxt(i)*dyt(j)*cst(j) endif enddo enddo delz(:) = 3. delz(1:5) = (/0.,.5,.5,1.,2./) kmax = 7 zsed(1) = 0. do k=2,kmax zsed(k) = zsed(k-1) + delz(k) enddo zrct(:) = zsed(kmax) dissc = 1.1574e-5 dissn = 4.5 ! depth_age is only used with the option "sed_profile". ! make sure you have enough levels for the profile you want to simulate. ! sediment is stored inverse to the depth_age. the latest sediment ! is stored incrementing toward ibmax. once ibmax is reached all new ! sediment is stored at ibmax. for example if sed_year is 120000 and ! ibmax is 20 with a time increment of 4000, then the sediment in ! level 1 is older than 120000 (usually the initial condition), in ! level 2 it is between 120000 and 116000, level 3 between 116000 and ! 112000, level ibmax-1 between 76000 and 72000 and level ibmax between ! 76000 and 0. if sed_year is 20000 then the sediment in level 1 is ! older than 20000, in level 2 it is between 20000 and 16000, in ! level 5 between 8000 and 4000, in level 6 between 4000 and 0 and ! levels higher than 6 would be available for future accumulation. do k=1,ibmax depth_age(k) = 4000.*(k-1) enddo expb = 3. difo2 = 12.1e-6 difc(1) = 10.5e-6 difc(2) = 6.4e-6 difc(3) = 5.2e-6 db = 0.15 call set_pore (calgg, zsed, pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call pore_2_form (pore, form, kmax, expb, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call sldcon (orgml, orggg, 12., pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call sldcon (calml,calgg, 100., pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_do2 (difo2, form, pore, delz, kmax, dopls, domin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_dc (difc, form, pore, delz, kmax, dcpls, dcmin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_db (db, pore, zsed, delz, kmax, dbpls, dbmin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) ! calculate mass of mixed layer (g/cm2) call get_sed_ml_mass (delz, pore, sed_ml_mass, nzmax, ipsed &, ipmax, kmax) ! zero boundary condition accumulators sbc(:,:,ibtemp) = 0. sbc(:,:,ibsalt) = 0. sbc(:,:,ircal) = 0. sbc(:,:,irorg) = 0. # if defined O_carbon sbc(:,:,ibdic) = 0. # endif # if defined O_npzd_alk sbc(:,:,ibalk) = 0. # endif # if defined O_npzd_o2 sbc(:,:,ibo2) = 0. # endif if (.not. init) then fname = new_file_name ("") inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (exists) call sed_rest_in (fname, is, ie, js, je) # if defined O_restart_2 fname = new_file_name ("") inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (exists) call sed_rest_in (fname, is, ie, js, je) # endif endif # if !defined O_sed_weath_diag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if defined, use namelist value for constant weathering flux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! convert from kg/s to umol/s if (weath .lt. 1.e20) weathflx = weath*1.e9/12. # endif # if defined O_time_averages !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero time average accumulators !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ta_sed_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 0) # endif # if defined O_time_step_monitor !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero integrated time average accumulators !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ta_sed_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 0) # endif #endif return end