! source file: /raid23/csomes/UVic/2.9/c_n_isotopes/last_glacial_experiments/dlgfe05p15/updates/tracer_adv_flx.F subroutine adv_flux (joff, js, je, is, ie, n) !======================================================================= ! computes advective fluxes using a flux-corrected transport scheme ! for reference see ! Gerdes, R., C. Koeberle and J. Willebrandt, 1991 ! the influence of numerical advection schemes on the results of ! ocean general circulation models. Clim Dynamics 5, 211-226 ! and ! Zalesak, S. T., 1979: Fully multidimensional flux-corrected ! transport algorithms for fluids. J. Comp. Phys. 31, 335-362. ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! jstrt = starting row in the MW for fct ! jend = ending row in the MW for fct ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! istrt = max(2,starting longitude index in the MW) ! iend = min(imt-1,ending longitude index in the MW) ! n = tracer index ! output: ( via common mw in "mw.h" ) ! adv_fn = 2*advective flux across northern face of T-cell ! adv_fe = 2*advective flux across eastern face of T-cell ! adv_fb = 2*advective flux across bottom face of T-cell !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, k, j, ip, kr, jq, n, jp, jrow, istrt, is, iend, ie integer istrtm1, iendp1, jstrt, js, jend, je, joff, jlast, jp2 integer jp1 real t_i, t_j, dz_t2r, dz_tr, dz_wtr, dx_t2r, dx_tr, dy_t2r real dy_tr, adv_tx, adv_ty, adv_tz, adv_txiso, adv_tyiso real adv_tziso, diff_tx, diff_ty, diff_tz, aidif, totadv real fxa, fxb, pplus, pminus, qplus, qminus, reltim include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "accel.h" include "coord.h" include "grdvar.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" include "isopyc.h" !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dimension local data !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real twodt(km), dcf(imt), Trmin(imt), Trmax(imt) real Cpos(imt), Cneg(imt), flxlft(imt), flxrgt(imt) real Rpl(imt,km), Rmn(imt,km), tmaski(imt,km,jmw) &, t_lo(imt,km) include "fdift.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! limit the indices based on those from the argument list !----------------------------------------------------------------------- istrt = max(2,is) iend = min(imt-1,ie) istrtm1 = istrt - 1 iendp1 = iend + 1 jstrt = js jend = min(je,jmt-1-joff) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialization when calculating jrow 2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (joff + js .eq. 2) then jstrt = js - 1 do k=1,km do i=istrt-1,iend adv_fn(i,k,1) = c0 anti_fn(i,k,1,n) = c0 R_plusY(i,k,1,n) = c0 R_minusY(i,k,1,n) = c0 enddo enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! create an inverse land mask !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=1,jmw do k=1,km do i=1,imt tmaski(i,k,j) = c1 - tmask(i,k,j) enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate 2*advective (low order scheme) flux across northern, ! eastern and bottom faces of "T" cells !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jlast = min(jend+1+joff,jmt-1) - joff do j=js-1,jlast do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend totadv = adv_vnt(i,k,j) & + adv_vntiso(i,k,j) adv_fn(i,k,j) = totadv* & (t(i,k,j,n,taum1) + t(i,k,j+1,n,taum1)) & + abs(totadv)* & (t(i,k,j,n,taum1) - t(i,k,j+1,n,taum1)) enddo enddo enddo jlast = min(jend+1+joff,jmt-1) - joff do j=js,jlast do k=1,km do i=istrtm1,iend totadv = adv_vet(i,k,j) & + adv_vetiso(i,k,j) adv_fe(i,k,j) = totadv* & (t(i,k,j,n,taum1) + t(i+1,k,j,n,taum1)) & + abs(totadv)* & (t(i,k,j,n,taum1) - t(i+1,k,j,n,taum1)) enddo enddo do k=1,kmm1 do i=istrt,iend totadv = adv_vbt(i,k,j) & + adv_vbtiso(i,k,j) adv_fb(i,k,j) = totadv* & (t(i,k+1,j,n,taum1) + t(i,k,j,n,taum1)) & + abs(totadv)* & (t(i,k+1,j,n,taum1) - t(i,k,j,n,taum1)) enddo enddo do i=istrt,iend adv_fb(i,0,j) = adv_vbt(i,0,j)*c2*t(i,1,j,n,taum1) adv_fb(i,km,j) = c0 enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! main j loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=jstrt,jend jrow = (j+1) + joff jp2 = min(j+2+joff,jmt) - joff jp1 = min(j+1+joff,jmt-1) - joff !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! solve for "tau+1" tracer at center of "T" cells in row j+1 ! - low order solution - !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km twodt(k) = c2dtts*dtxcel(k) do i=istrt,iend t_lo(i,k) = (t(i,k,j+1,n,taum1) - twodt(k) & *(ADV_Tx(i,k,jp1) + ADV_Ty(i,k,jp1,jrow,n) + & ADV_Tz(i,k,jp1))*tmask(i,k,j+1)) enddo enddo call setbcx (t_lo(1,1), imt, km) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! next calculate raw antidiffusive fluxes, that is high order ! scheme flux (leap frog) minus the low order (upstream) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km do i=istrtm1,iend totadv = adv_vet(i,k,jp1) & + adv_vetiso(i,k,jp1) anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n) = totadv*(t(i,k,j+1,n,tau) + & t(i+1,k,j+1,n,tau)) - adv_fe(i,k,jp1) enddo do i=istrt,iend totadv = adv_vnt(i,k,jp1) & + adv_vntiso(i,k,jp1) anti_fn(i,k,j+1,n) = totadv*(t(i,k,j+1,n,tau) + & t(i,k,jp2,n,tau)) - adv_fn(i,k,jp1) enddo enddo do k=1,kmm1 do i=istrt,iend totadv = adv_vbt(i,k,jp1) & + adv_vbtiso(i,k,jp1) anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n) = totadv*(t(i,k,j+1,n,tau) + & t(i,k+1,j+1,n,tau)) - adv_fb(i,k,jp1) & *tmask(i,k,j+1) enddo enddo do i=istrt,iend anti_fb(i,0,j+1,n) = adv_vbt(i,0,j+1)*c2*t(i,1,j+1,n,taum1) anti_fb(i,km,j+1,n) = c0 enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! now calculate and apply one-dimensional delimiters to these ! raw antidiffusive fluxes ! 1) calculate T*, that are all halfway neighbors of T ! 2) calculate ratio R+- of Q+- to P+-, that is maximal/minimal ! possible change of T if no limit would be active, ! must be at least 1 ! 3) choose correct ratio depending on direction of flow as a ! delimiter ! 4) apply this delimiter to raw antidiffusive flux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! delimit x-direction !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km ! prepare some data for use in statement function ! running mean of two adjacent points do i=istrt,iendp1 Trmax(i) = p5*(t(i-1,k,j+1,n,tau) + t(i,k,j+1,n,tau)) enddo ! extremum of low order solution central point and adjacent ! halfway neighbours; check for land do i=istrt,iend fxa = tmask(i-1,k,j+1)*Trmax(i) + & tmaski(i-1,k,j+1)*t_lo(i,k) fxb = tmask(i+1,k,j+1)*Trmax(i+1) + & tmaski(i+1,k,j+1)*t_lo(i,k) Trmax(i) = max(fxa,fxb,t_lo(i,k)) Trmin(i) = min(fxa,fxb,t_lo(i,k)) dcf(i) = cstdxt2r(i,j+1) flxlft(i) = anti_fe(i-1,k,j+1,n) flxrgt(i) = anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n) enddo ! calculate ratio R do i=istrt,iend Pplus = c2dtts*dcf(i)*(max(c0,flxlft(i))-min(c0,flxrgt(i))) Pminus = c2dtts*dcf(i)*(max(c0,flxrgt(i))-min(c0,flxlft(i))) Qplus = Trmax(i) - t_lo(i,k) Qminus = t_lo(i,k) - Trmin(i) Rpl(i,k) = min(1.,tmask(i,k,j+1)*Qplus/(Pplus+epsln)) Rmn(i,k) = min(1.,tmask(i,k,j+1)*Qminus/(Pminus+epsln)) enddo call setbcx (Rpl, imt, km) call setbcx (Rmn, imt, km) ! calculate delimiter using ratio at adjacent points do i=istrt,iendp1 Cpos(i-1) = min(Rpl(i,k),Rmn(i-1,k)) Cneg(i-1) = min(Rpl(i-1,k),Rmn(i,k)) enddo ! finally apply appropriate delimiter to flux do i=istrtm1,iend anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n) = p5*((Cpos(i) + Cneg(i)) & *anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n) + & (Cpos(i) - Cneg(i)) & *abs(anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n))) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! delimit y-direction !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km ! prepare some data for use in statement function do i=istrt,iend fxa = p5*tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,tau) + & t(i,k,j+1,n,tau)) + & tmaski(i,k,j)*t_lo(i,k) fxb = p5*tmask(i,k,jp2)*(t(i,k,j+1,n,tau) + & t(i,k,jp2,n,tau)) + & tmaski(i,k,jp2)*t_lo(i,k) Trmax(i) = max(fxa,fxb,t_lo(i,k)) Trmin(i) = min(fxa,fxb,t_lo(i,k)) dcf(i) = cstdyt2r(jrow) flxlft(i) = anti_fn(i,k,j,n) flxrgt(i) = anti_fn(i,k,j+1,n) enddo ! calculate ratio R, related to a point do i=istrt,iend Pplus = c2dtts*dcf(i)*(max(c0,flxlft(i))-min(c0,flxrgt(i))) Pminus = c2dtts*dcf(i)*(max(c0,flxrgt(i))-min(c0,flxlft(i))) Qplus = Trmax(i) - t_lo(i,k) Qminus = t_lo(i,k) - Trmin(i) R_plusY(i,k,j+1,n) = & min(1.,tmask(i,k,j+1)*Qplus/(Pplus+epsln)) R_minusY(i,k,j+1,n) = & min(1.,tmask(i,k,j+1)*Qminus/(Pminus+epsln)) enddo ! calculate delimiter using ratio at adjacent points do i=istrt,iend Cpos(i) = min(R_plusY(i,k,j+1,n),R_minusY(i,k,j,n)) Cneg(i) = min(R_plusY(i,k,j,n),R_minusY(i,k,j+1,n)) enddo ! finally get delimiter c dependent on direction of flux and ! apply it to raw antidiffusive flux do i=istrt,iend anti_fn(i,k,j,n) = p5*((Cpos(i) + Cneg(i)) & *anti_fn(i,k,j,n) + & (Cpos(i) - Cneg(i)) & *abs(anti_fn(i,k,j,n))) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! delimit z-direction !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km ! prepare some data for use in statement function do i=istrt,iend dcf(i) = dzt2r(k) flxlft(i) = anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n) flxrgt(i) = anti_fb(i,k-1,j+1,n) if (k .gt. 1)then fxa = p5*tmask(i,k-1,j+1)* & (t(i,k-1,j+1,n,tau) + t(i,k,j+1,n,tau)) + & tmaski(i,k-1,j+1)*t_lo(i,k) else fxa = t_lo(i,k) endif if (k .lt. km) then fxb = p5*tmask(i,k+1,j+1)* & (t(i,k,j+1,n,tau)+t(i,k+1,j+1,n,tau)) + & tmaski(i,k+1,j+1)*t_lo(i,k) else fxb = t_lo(i,k) endif Trmax(i) = max(fxa,fxb,t_lo(i,k)) Trmin(i) = min(fxa,fxb,t_lo(i,k)) enddo ! calculate delimiter using ratio at adjacent points ! this variable is related to an arc (between two points, ! the same way as fluxes are defined.) do i=istrt,iend Pplus = c2dtts*dcf(i)*(max(c0,flxlft(i))-min(c0,flxrgt(i))) Pminus = c2dtts*dcf(i)*(max(c0,flxrgt(i))-min(c0,flxlft(i))) Qplus = Trmax(i) - t_lo(i,k) Qminus = t_lo(i,k) - Trmin(i) Rpl(i,k) = min(1.,tmask(i,k,j+1)*Qplus/(Pplus+epsln)) Rmn(i,k) = min(1.,tmask(i,k,j+1)*Qminus/(Pminus+epsln)) enddo enddo do k=1,kmm1 ! calculate delimiter using ratio at adjacent points ! this variable is related to an arc (between two points, ! the same way as fluxes are defined.) do i=istrt,iend Cneg(i) = min(Rpl(i,k+1),Rmn(i,k)) Cpos(i) = min(Rpl(i,k),Rmn(i,k+1)) enddo ! finally get delimiter c dependent on direction of flux and ! apply it to raw antidiffusive flux do i=istrt,iend anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n) = p5*((Cpos(i)+Cneg(i)) & *anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n) + & (Cpos(i)-Cneg(i)) & *abs(anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n))) enddo enddo do i=istrt,iend anti_fb(i,0,j+1,n) = c0 anti_fb(i,km,j+1,n) = c0 enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! complete advective fluxes by adding low order fluxes to ! delimited antidiffusive fluxes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km do i=istrtm1,iend anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n) = anti_fe(i,k,j+1,n) + adv_fe(i,k,jp1) enddo do i=istrt,iend anti_fn(i,k,j,n) = (anti_fn(i,k,j,n) + adv_fn(i,k,j)) & *tmask(i,k,j) anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n) = (anti_fb(i,k,j+1,n) + adv_fb(i,k,jp1)) & *tmask(i,k,j+1) enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set 2*corrected advective fluxes across northern, eastern and ! bottom faces of "T" cells !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js-1,jend do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend adv_fn(i,k,j) = anti_fn(i,k,j,n) enddo enddo enddo do j=js,jend do k=1,km do i=istrtm1,iend adv_fe(i,k,j) = anti_fe(i,k,j,n) enddo enddo do k=1,kmm1 do i=istrt,iend adv_fb(i,k,j) = anti_fb(i,k,j,n) enddo enddo enddo return end