! source file: /raid23/csomes/UVic/2.9/c_n_isotopes/last_glacial_experiments/dlgmotnfe25/updates/switch.F
      subroutine set_time_switches

!               S E T   T I M E   S W I T C H E S

!     Subroutine set_time_switches sets switches in "switch.h"
!     that trigger periodically recurring events in the model
!     such as diagnostics and end-of-run.

!     Currently implemented switches include end-of-day, end-of-
!     week, end-of-two-weeks, end-of-month, end-of-year, end-of-
!     run, mid-month, and switches active at prespecified intervals
!     from either start of run, initial conditions, or any other
!     reference time the user chooses.  It is relatively
!     easy to add additional switches by following the models of
!     switches already provided.

!     input:

!       a switch.h file with all switch intervals in units of days.

!     outputs:

!       a whole collection of useful logical switches in the
!       switch.h file.

      implicit none

      integer i

      logical alarm, avg_alarm, timeless

      real shortest_mon

      include "stdunits.h"
      include "tmngr.h"
      include "switch.h"
      include "calendar.h"

!     set all time dependent logical switches (except "first")


!      C A L E N D A R     A N D      C L O C K     S W I T C H E S

!      here are some examples of setting logicals based on the calendar
!      and clock. "dayoyr" is time in days since the start of a year.

!      alarms go off when current time + dt/2 is later then the alarm
!      time.  arguments of alarm routine:
!            1) index to the alarm setting time
!            2) index to the model time+dt/2
!            3) interval of the alarm in real days
!            4) index to the reference time

!     is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the day ?

      eoday = alarm (ieoday, ihalfstep, 1.0, isunday)

!     is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the week ?

      eoweek = alarm (ieoweek, ihalfstep, 7.0, isunday)

!     is it within 1/2 time step of the end of two weeks ?

      eo2wks = alarm (ieo2wks, ihalfstep, 14.0, isunday)

!     set initial alarm times in the first time step for the
!     end of month, mid month, end of year, and end of run switches.

      if (first) then

!       initialize end of month alarm

        call getswitch (ieomon)
        call getfulltime (ialarm(ieomon))
        call copyfulltime (itime, ialarm(ieomon))
        month (ialarm(ieomon)) = month (ialarm(ieomon)) + 1
        if (month(ialarm(ieomon)) .gt. 12) then
          month(ialarm(ieomon)) = 1
          year (ialarm(ieomon)) = year(ialarm(ieomon)) + 1
        day   (ialarm(ieomon)) = 1
        hour  (ialarm(ieomon)) = 0
        minute(ialarm(ieomon)) = 0
        second(ialarm(ieomon)) = 0
        call expandtime (ialarm(ieomon))

        call gettime (iinterval(ieomon))
        shortest_mon = daypm(1)
        do i=2,12
          if (daypm(i) .lt. shortest_mon) shortest_mon = daypm(i)
        call settime3 (iinterval(ieomon), shortest_mon)

!       initialize mid month alarm

        call getswitch (imidmon)
        call getfulltime (ialarm(imidmon))
        call copyfulltime (itime, ialarm(imidmon))
        day   (ialarm(imidmon)) = daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))/2 + 1
        hour  (ialarm(imidmon)) = 12*modulo(daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))
     &                            ,2)
        minute(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0
        second(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0
        call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon))
        if (timeless (ialarm(imidmon), itime)) then
          month (ialarm(imidmon)) = month(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1
          if (month(ialarm(imidmon)) .gt. 12) then
            month(ialarm(imidmon)) = 1
            year (ialarm(imidmon)) = year(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1
          day   (ialarm(imidmon)) = daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))/2 + 1
          hour  (ialarm(imidmon)) = 12*modulo(daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))
     &                              ,2)
          minute(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0
          second(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0
          call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon))

        call gettime (iinterval(imidmon))
        call settime3 (iinterval(imidmon), shortest_mon)

!       initialize end of year alarm

        call getswitch (ieoyear)
        call getfulltime (ialarm(ieoyear))
        call copyfulltime (itime, ialarm(ieoyear))
        year  (ialarm(ieoyear)) = year(ialarm(ieoyear)) + 1
        month (ialarm(ieoyear)) = 1
        day   (ialarm(ieoyear)) = 1
        hour  (ialarm(ieoyear)) = 0
        minute(ialarm(ieoyear)) = 0
        second(ialarm(ieoyear)) = 0
        call expandtime (ialarm(ieoyear))

        call gettime (iinterval(ieoyear))
        call settime3 (iinterval(ieoyear), real(yrlen))


!     is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the month ?

      eomon = timeless (ialarm(ieomon), ihalfstep)
      on(ieomon) = eomon
      if (eomon) then
        iday(ialarm(ieomon)) = iday(ialarm(ieomon)) +
     &                         daysinmon(ialarm(ieomon))
        call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieomon))

!     is it within 1/2 time step of the middle of the month ?

      midmon = timeless (ialarm(imidmon), ihalfstep)
      on(imidmon) = midmon
      if (midmon) then
        day(ialarm(imidmon)) = 1
        month(ialarm(imidmon)) = month(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1
        if (month(ialarm(imidmon)) .gt. 12) then
          month(ialarm(imidmon)) = 1
          year(ialarm(imidmon))  = year(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1
        call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon))
        day   (ialarm(imidmon)) = daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))/2 + 1
        hour  (ialarm(imidmon)) = 12*modulo(daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))
     &                            , 2)
        minute(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0
        second(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0
        call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon))

!     is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the year ?

      eoyear = timeless (ialarm(ieoyear), ihalfstep)
      on(ieoyear) = eoyear
      if (eoyear) then
        iday(ialarm(ieoyear)) = iday(ialarm(ieoyear)) +
     &                          daysinyear(ialarm(ieoyear))
        call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieoyear))

!     is it the last time step of the run ?

      eorun = timeless (ialarm(ieorun), ihalfstep)
      on(ieorun) = eorun

!     is time mixing to be done now ?

      if (nmix .eq. 0 .or. nmix .eq. 1) then
        leapfrog = .true.
        if (mod(itt,nmix) .eq. 1) then
          leapfrog = .false.
          leapfrog = .true.

!     is it the first time step of an ocean segment?
!     is it the last time step of an ocean segment?

      if (first) then
        osegs = .true.
        call getswitch (iosegs)
        call gettime (iinterval(iosegs))
        call settime3 (iinterval(iosegs), segtim)
        osegs = osege
      on(iosegs) = osegs

      osege = alarm (iosege, ihalfstep, segtim, irunstart)


!     S W I T C H E S    B A S E D    O N    A N    I N T E R V A L

!     each interval switch needs three variables in common. The
!     following naming convention is used.

!         1) an interval (real) for diagnostic output (e.g,.  glenint)
!         2) a switch (logical) for the interval (e.g.,  glents )

!     the third is an internal variable needed by the time manager
!     to support calculation of the logical switch

!         3) an index (integer)                       (e.g., iglenint)

!     the user must specify the interval [e.g., glenint] for diagnostic
!     output in units of days. set_time_switches sets the corresponding
!     logical switch [e.g., glents] every time step. It is set to true
!     when within half a time step of the requested interval, otherwise
!     it is false. All decisions relating to the interval [e.g., glenint]
!     are based on the logical switch [e.g., glents].

!     internal time structures

!     The switch index [e.g., iglenint] is used to subscript into
!     internal arrays maintained by tmngr.F. The switch index is
!     allocated on the first call to function "alarm".
!     The array entry [e.g., iinterval(iglenint)] is a time index to the
!     internal representation of the interval [e.g., glenint].
!     The array entry [e.g., ialarm(iglenint)] is a time index to the
!     next time the alarm will be true.

!     are regional tracer averages to be done at this time ?

      tavgts = alarm (itavgint, ihalfstep, tavgint, iref)

!     are global energetics to be done at this time ?

      glents = alarm (iglenint, ihalfstep, glenint, iref)

!     are tracer & momentum term balances to be done at this time ?

      trmbts = alarm (itrmbint, ihalfstep, trmbint, iref)

!     is time to write the vertical_meridional stream function?

      vmsfts = alarm (ivmsfint, ihalfstep, vmsfint, iref)

!     are the gyre components to be done at this time ?

      gyrets = alarm (igyreint, ihalfstep, gyreint, iref)

!     is it time to do a stability diagnosis ?

      stabts = alarm (istabint, ihalfstep, stabint, iref)

!     is it time to save a restart ?

      restts = alarm (irestint, ihalfstep, restint, iref)


!     S W I T C H E S    B A S E D    O N    A N    I N T E R V A L

!              A N D   A V E R A G I N G   P E R I O D

!     each averaging period switch needs five variables in common. The
!     following naming convention is used.

!         1) an interval (real) for diagnostic output    (e.g. xbtint  )
!         2) a switch (logical) for the interval         (e.g. xbtts   )
!         3) an averaging period (real)                  (e.g. xbtper  )
!         4) a switch (logical) for accumulating         (e.g. xbtperts)

!     the third is an internal variable needed by the time manager
!     to support calculation of the logical switches

!         5) an index (integer)                         (e.g. ixbtint  )

!     The user must specify the interval [e.g., xbtint] for diagnostic
!     output in units of days and the averaging period [e.g., xbtper]
!     in units of days. The averaging period may be less than or equal
!     to the interval. For example, if the interval is 30.0 days and the
!     averaging period is 5.0 days, results will be averaged over all
!     time steps within days 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30.

!     The logical switch for writing output at the specified interval
!     [e.g., xbtts] is set to true on the last time step of the
!     averaging period. The logical switch for accumulating results
!     [e.g., xbtperts] is true for all time steps within the averaging
!     period, otherwise it is false.

!     internal time structures

!     The index [e.g., ixbtint] is allocated on the first call to
!     function "avg_alarm". The array element iperiod(ixbtint) is an
!     index to the time structure for the internal representation of
!     "xbtper", and ilastsw(ixbtint) is the index of the switch that
!     flags the last time step of the accumulation period.
!     Depending on use,  ilastsw(ixbtint) may either be the index
!     of another "named" switch or the index of a new switch
!     allocated on the first time step.
!     In the latter case, iinterval(ilastsw(ixbtint)) is the index of
!     the time structure where "xbtint" is stored in internal form,
!     and ialarm(ilastsw(ixbtint)) is the index of the time when an
!     accumulation period will next end.
!     The variable nextts(ixbtint) is true whenever the next
!     time step will begin the accumulation period.

!     is it time to accumulate or "average and write" time mean
!     integrated data?

      tsits = avg_alarm(itsiint, ihalfstep, tsiint, tsiper, iref, 0)
      tsiperts = on(itsiint)

!     is it time to accumulate or "average and write" time mean data
!     on the "averaging" grid?

      timavgts = avg_alarm(itimavgint, ihalfstep, timavgint
     &,                        timavgper, iref, 0)
      timavgperts = on(itimavgint)


      function alarm (isw, ihalf, timeint, irefer)

!     inputs:

!     isw     = index to the switch number for this switch. isw is
!               allocated on the first call to avg_alarm.

!     ihalf   = index to the time one half time step ahead of current
!               time

!     timeint = specified time interval of interest (in days. eg: 1.0
!               day, 36 hours (1.5 days), a week (7.0 days), two weeks
!               (14.0 days), 365.0 days ... etc)

!     irefer  = index to the time to which the alarm is referenced

!     outputs:

!     alarm:
!       if timeint > 0 then
!         alarm = true when the current time + dt/2 is later than the
!                 alarm time.  The alarm is then incremented
!       if timeint = 0 then
!         alarm = true (i.e., do this option every step)
!       if timeint < 0 then
!         alarm = false (i.e., this option is disabled)

!     if first=.T. then alarm sets the initial alarm time

!     output in common:

!     on(isw)      = true whenever alarm is true

!     internal values in common:
!     the user need not be concerned with these:

!     iinterval(isw) = index of time field where timeint is stored in
!                      internal form.

!     ialarm(isw)    = index of time when alarm will next be true

      implicit none

      integer isw, irefer, i, ihalf

      logical ltemp, alarm, timeless

      real timeint, realintervals, realdays

      include "tmngr.h"
      include "switch.h"

      if (first) then

!       initialize the alarm on first iteration

        call getswitch (isw)
        call gettime (ialarm(isw))
        call gettime (iinterval(isw))
        call settime3 (iinterval(isw), timeint)

        if (timeint .gt. 0.0) then
          if (timeless (irunstart, irefer)) then

!           if reference time is later than run start time then the
!           initial alarm is set to reference time.  (No alarms will
!           go off until the time reaches the reference time.)

            call copytime (irefer, ialarm(isw))

!           set alarm to first time of the form:  reftime + i * timeint
!           that is at least dt/2 after runstart.

            call subtime (irunstart, irefer, ireftime)
            call addtime (ireftime, idtd2, ireftime)
            realintervals = realdays(ireftime)/timeint

!           i = least integer greater than realintervals (ceiling)

            i = int(realintervals) + 1
            i = i - int(i - realintervals)
            call multime (i, iinterval(isw), ialarm(isw))
            call addtime (ialarm(isw), irefer, ialarm(isw))
          call addtime (itime, idt, ialarm(isw))

!     check alarm

      if (timeint .gt. 0.0) then
        ltemp = timeless (ialarm(isw), ihalf)
        if (ltemp) then

!         increment the alarm time

 100      continue
          call addtime (ialarm(isw), iinterval(isw), ialarm(isw))
          if (timeless (ialarm(isw), ihalf)) goto 100
      elseif (timeint .lt. 0.0) then
        ltemp = .false.
        call addtime (itime, idt, ialarm(isw))
        ltemp = .true.
        call addtime (itime, idt, ialarm(isw))
      alarm = ltemp
      on(isw) = ltemp


      function avg_alarm(isw, ihalf, swinterval, period, irefer
     &,                    ilastswitch)

!     inputs:

!     isw     = index to the switch number for this switch. isw is
!               allocated on the first call to avg_alarm.

!     ihalf   = index to the time one half time step ahead of current
!               time

!     swinterval = specified time interval of the switch (in days.
!               eg: 1.0 day, 36 hours (1.5 days), a week (7.0 days),
!               two weeks (14.0 days), 365.0 days ... etc)

!     period = period of the averaging or accumulation part of the
!                interval (in days).
!                It is permissible for period and interval to be equal,
!                in which case, the logical on(isw) is always true, and
!                the logical lastts(isw) and the function value are
!                true become true once every interval days.

!     irefer  = index to the time to which the alarm is referenced

!     ilastswitch = index of switch which signals the last timestep of
!                   the interval.  If ilastswitch = 0, then a new,
!                   unnamed switch is allocated which turns on every
!                   interval days after the reference time.  If
!                   ilastswitch is nonzero, the argument interval is
!                   ignored and the "named" switch indexed by
!                   ilastswitch is used to signal the last time step
!                   of the interval.  Note that ilastswitch need not
!                   be a simple interval switch; it may be a calendar
!                   switch such as imidmon (mid month) or ieoyear
!                   (end of year).

!     outputs:

!     avg_alarm = true only on the last time step of the interval.

!     isw       = index to switch is allocated on first time step

!     outputs in common:

!     on(isw)      = true whenever current time step is within accumula-
!                    tion part of the interval.

!     lastts(isw)  = true only on last time step of interval.
!                    The alarm is then incremented

!     internal values in common:
!     the user need not be concerned with these:

!     nextts(isw)  = true when next time step will be first of interval.
!                    (i.e., on the time step nearest to period days
!                    before lastts(isw) will be true.)

!     iperiod(isw) = index of time field where length of the averaging
!                    period is stored in internal form.

!     ilastsw(isw) = index of switch which signals the last time step
!                    of the interval.  if ilastsw(isw) is a "named"
!                    switch, be sure to update it before isw is updated
!                    in the subroutine set_time_switches.

      implicit none

      integer isw, irefer, ihalf, ilastswitch

      logical avg_alarm, timeless, alarm, named_lastswitch

      real realdays, swinterval, period

      include "tmngr.h"
      include "switch.h"

      named_lastswitch = (ilastswitch .ne. 0)

      if (first) then

!       allocate a new switch

        call getswitch(isw)

!       check for invalid user input

        if (named_lastswitch) then
          ilastsw(isw) = ilastswitch
          swinterval = realdays(iinterval(ilastswitch))
        if (period .gt. swinterval) then
          print *, 'ERROR: switch period exceeds its interval'
          print *, '       period = ',period
          print *, '       interval = ',swinterval
          stop '==>avgalarm'

!       initialize internal switch variables

        call gettime (iperiod(isw))
        call settime3 (iperiod(isw), period)

!       initialize switches lastts and nextts

        if (named_lastswitch) then
          lastts(isw) = on(ilastsw(isw))
          call getswitch(ilastsw(isw))
          lastts(isw) = alarm (ilastsw(isw), ihalf, swinterval, irefer)

        call subtime (ialarm(ilastsw(isw)), iperiod(isw), itmptime)
        call subtime (ihalf, idt, itmptime2)
        nextts(isw) = timeless (itmptime2, itmptime) .and.
     &                timeless (itmptime, ihalf)

!       set on(isw) only if start of averaging interval is within a half
!       time step of runstart.

        call subtime (itmptime2, idt, itmptime3)
        on(isw) = timeless (itmptime3, itmptime) .and.
     &            timeless (itmptime, itmptime2)

!       turn lastts(isw) off if on(isw) is false

        lastts(isw) = lastts(isw) .and. on(isw)



!       this is not the first time step.
!       reset on(isw) based on events in previous call to increment_time

        if (lastts(isw)) on(isw) = .false.
        if (nextts(isw)) on(isw) = .true.

!       set lastts based on current call to increment_time.
!       end of run turns lastts(isw) on; however lastts(isw) must
!       never be true unless on(isw) is also true.

        if (named_lastswitch) then
          lastts(isw) = on(ilastsw(isw))
          lastts(isw) = alarm (ilastsw(isw), ihalf, swinterval, irefer)
        lastts(isw) = lastts(isw) .or. eorun
        lastts(isw) = lastts(isw) .and. on(isw)

!       set nextts based on current call to increment_time.
!       these tests must follow the setting of lastts so that in the
!       case that the averaging period is equal to the entire interval,
!       the alarm setting for lastts will already be pushed ahead.

!       a period of 0 really means average over one time step.

        call subtime (ialarm(ilastsw(isw)), iperiod(isw), itmptime)
        if (period .eq. 0) then
          call subtime (itmptime, idt, itmptime)
        call subtime (ihalf, idt, itmptime2)
        nextts(isw) = timeless (itmptime2, itmptime) .and.
     &                timeless (itmptime, ihalf)


      avg_alarm = lastts(isw)


      subroutine getswitch (isw)

      implicit none

      integer isw

      include "switch.h"

      nsw = nsw + 1
      if (nsw .gt. maxsw) then
        print *, 'ERROR:  not enough switches.'
        print *, '        increase maxsw = ',maxsw,' in switch.h'
        stop '==>getsw'
      isw = nsw


      subroutine set_eorun (runlen0, rununits0, rundays0)
!     initialize end of run alarm.
!     place dummy arguments in corresponding variables in "switch.h"

!     inputs:
!       runlen0   = length of run [see rununits for units]
!       rununits0 = time units ('days', 'months', or 'years' for runlen0
!     output:
!       rundays0  = length of run converted to (real) days

!     at present, arbitrary real run lengths in 'days' are handled.
!     run lengths in real 'months' or 'years' are rounded to the
!     nearest integral number of months or years before use.

      implicit none

      character(*) :: rununits0

      real runlen0, rundays0, realdays

      include "switch.h"
      include "stdunits.h"
      include "tmngr.h"

!     copy inputs to common in "switch.h"

      runlen = runlen0
      rununits = rununits0

!     calculate end of run based on rununits0

      call getswitch (ieorun)
      call getfulltime (ialarm(ieorun))
      call copyfulltime (irunstart, ialarm(ieorun))
      if (rununits0 .eq. 'years') then
        year(ialarm(ieorun)) = year(ialarm(ieorun)) + nint(runlen0)
        call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun))
        day  (ialarm(ieorun)) = min (day(irunstart),
     &                               daysinmon(ialarm(ieorun)))
        call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun))
        if (real(nint(runlen0)) .ne. runlen0) then
          print '(/,a,1pg14.7,a,i3,a,/)',
     &          'WARNING:  run length ',runlen0,' years rounded to ',
     &          nint(runlen0), ' years'
          runlen0 = real(nint(runlen0))
          runlen = runlen0
      elseif (rununits0 .eq. 'months') then
        month(ialarm(ieorun)) = month(ialarm(ieorun)) + nint(runlen0)
     &                                                - 1
        year (ialarm(ieorun)) = year (ialarm(ieorun)) + month(ieorun)/12
        month(ialarm(ieorun)) = modulo (month(ialarm(ieorun)), 12) + 1
        day  (ialarm(ieorun)) = 1
        call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun))
        if (real(nint(runlen0)) .ne. runlen0) then
          print '(/,a,1pg14.7,a,i3,a,/)',
     &          'WARNING:  run length ',runlen0,' months rounded to ',
     &          nint(runlen0), ' months'
          runlen0 = real(nint(runlen0))
          runlen = runlen0
        day  (ialarm(ieorun)) = min (day(irunstart),
     &                               daysinmon(ialarm(ieorun)))
        call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun))
      elseif (rununits0 .eq. 'days') then
        call settime3 (itemptime, runlen0)
        call addtime (irunstart, itemptime, ialarm(ieorun))
        call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieorun))
        write (stdout, *)
     &       'Warning: No units given for run length--days assumed'
        call settime3 (itemptime, runlen0)
        call addtime (irunstart, itemptime, ialarm(ieorun))
        call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieorun))

      call subtime (ialarm(ieorun), irunstart, itemptime)
      rundays0 = realdays (itemptime)
      rundays  = rundays0


      subroutine initswitch

!     initialize switch indices for getswitch.

      implicit none

      include "switch.h"

      nsw = 0
