! source file: /raid23/csomes/UVic/2.9/c_n_isotopes/last_glacial_experiments/dipi/updates/mw.h !======================= include file "mw.h" =========================== ! M E M O R Y W I N D O W ! Data layout on disk ! On disk, a latitude consists of a row of prognostic quantities. ! Latitudes are ordered from south to north on two logical disk ! units: one for time level "tau" and one for time level "tau-1". ! Newly computed "tau+1" quantities are written to the "tau-1" disk ! which serves double duty as a "tau+1" disk. ! Data layout in memory ! A memory window "MW" is constructed to hold a group of "jmw" ! adjacent latitude rows of prognostic quantities from disks "tau-1" ! and "tau". Parameter "jmw" controls the size of the MW and can be ! set anywhere from a minimum of three latitude rows to all "jmt" ! latitudes. In addition, the MW holds diagnostic quantities ! (density, hydrostatic pressure gradients, and advective ! velocities) along with work arrays for constructing intermediate ! fluxes used in solving the tracer and momentum equations. A ! latitude row in the MW is referred to by index "j" and corresponds ! to the physical latitude row "jrow" on disk. ! Data flow between disk and memory ! The MW is loaded with prognostic data from the first "jww" ! latitude rows on disks "tau" and "tau-1". As the tracer and ! momentum equations are solved for rows j=2 through jmw-1 in the ! MW, the solutions are written to disk "tau+1". When finished, the ! MW is moved northward by moving quantities from the northernmost ! two rows into the southernmost two rows within the MW. The ! remaining MW rows are then loaded with more latitude rows from ! disk. The process continues until all latitude rows 2 through ! jmt-1 on disk "tau+1" have been updated. !======================================================================= ! taum1 = tau-1 time level for variables in MW ! tau = tau time level for variables in MW ! taup1 = tau+1 time level for variables in MW integer taum1, tau, taup1 common /mw_i/ taum1, tau, taup1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MW arrays for prognostic equations: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! u(i,k,j,n,tau) = total velocity where: ! i = index for longitude ! k = index for depth ! j = index for latitude row within MW ! n = component (1 = zonal, 2 = meridional) ! tau = time level (tau-1, tau, tau+1) ! (only internal modes are on disk and at tau+1 in the MW) ! t(i,k,j,n,tau) = tracer where: ! i = index for longitude ! k = index for depth ! j = index for latitude row within MW ! n = component (1 = temperature, 2 = salinity) ! if nt > 2 then other tracers are allowed. ! tau = time level (tau-1, tau, tau+1) ! note: temperature is potential temperature in degrees Celsius and ! salinity is in "model units", the deviation from 0.035 grams ! of salt/cm**3 of water, or, assuming a water density of ! 1 gram/cm**3, the deviation from 0.035 g of salt/g of water. ! one can convert model units to the more common units of parts ! per thousand (ppt) by adding 0.035 grams/cm**3 to the model ! units and then multiplying by 1000. real u,t common /mw_r/ u(imt,km,jmw,2,-1:1), t(imt,km,jmw,nt,-1:1) ! indicies for ocean tracer array ! itemp = index for temperature ! isalt = index for salinity ! idic = index for dissolved inorganic carbon ! idic13 = index for carbon 13 ! ic14 = index for carbon 14 ! icfc11 = index for cfc11 ! icfc12 = index for cfc12 ! ialk = index for alkalinity ! ipo4 = index for phosphate ! idop = index for DOP ! iphyt = index for phytoplankton ! izoop = index for zooplankton ! idetr = index for detritus ! io2 = index for oxygen ! ino3 = index for nitrate ! idon = index for DON ! idiaz = index for diazotrophs ! idin15 = index for din15 ! idon15 = index for don15 ! iphytn15 = index for phytoplankton n15 ! izoopn15 = index for zooplankton n15 ! idetrn15 = index for detritus n15 ! idiazn15 = index for diazotroph n15 ! idoc13 = index for DOC13 ! iphytc13 = index for phytoplankton carbon 13 ! izoopc13 = index for zooplankton carbon 13 ! idetrc13 = index for detritus carbon 13 ! idiazc13 = index for diazotroph carbon 13 ! mapt = map for ocean tracer names character(10) :: mapt common /mw_c/ mapt(nt) integer itemp, isalt, idic, ic14, icfc11, icfc12, ialk, ipo4 integer iphyt, izoop, idetr, io2, ino3, idiaz, idop, idon integer idin15, idon15, iphytn15, izoopn15, idetrn15, idiazn15 integer idic13, idoc13, iphytc13, izoopc13, idetrc13, idiazc13 common /mw_i/ itemp, isalt, idic, ic14, icfc11, icfc12, ialk common /mw_i/ ipo4, iphyt, izoop, idetr, io2, ino3, idiaz common /mw_i/ idop, idon, idin15, idon15, iphytn15, izoopn15 common /mw_i/ idetrn15, idiazn15 common /mw_i/ idic13, idoc13, iphytc13, izoopc13, idetrc13 common /mw_i/ idiazc13 ! indicies for ocean tracer source array ! istemp = index for temperature ! issalt = index for salinity ! isdic = index for carbon ! isc14 = index for carbon 14 ! isalk = index for alkalinity ! ispo4 = index for phosphate ! isdop = index for DOP ! isphyt = index for phytoplankton ! iszoop = index for zooplankton ! isdetr = index for detritus ! isno3 = index for nitrate ! isdon = index for DON ! isdiaz = index for diazotroph ! isdin15 = index for din15 ! isdon15 = index for don15 ! isphytn15 = index for phytoplankton n15 ! iszoopn15 = index for zooplankton n15 ! isdetrn15 = index for detritus n15 ! isdiazn15 = index for diazotroph n15 ! isdoc13 = index for DOC13 ! isphytc13 = index for carbon 13 in phytoplankton ! iszoopc13 = index for carbon 13 in zooplankton ! isdetrc13 = index for carbon 13 in detritus ! isdiazc13 = index for carbon 13 in diazotrophs ! itrc = index of tracer sources for all tracers (0 = no source) ! mapst = map for ocean tracer source names character(10) :: mapst common /mw_c/ mapst(nt) integer itrc common /mw_i/ itrc(nt) integer istemp, issalt, isdic, isc14, isalk, ispo4, isphyt integer iszoop, isdetr, iso2, isno3, isdiaz, isdop, isdon integer isdin15, isdon15, isphytn15, iszoopn15, isdetrn15 integer isdiazn15 integer isdic13, isdoc13, isphytc13, iszoopc13, isdetrc13 integer isdiazc13 common /mw_i/ istemp, issalt, isdic, isc14,isalk, ispo4, isphyt common /mw_i/ iszoop, isdetr, iso2, isno3, isdiaz, isdop, isdon common /mw_i/ isdin15, isdon15, isphytn15, iszoopn15, isdetrn15 common /mw_i/ isdiazn15 common /mw_i/ isdic13, isdoc13, isphytc13, iszoopc13, isdetrc13 common /mw_i/ isdiazc13 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MW arrays for diagnostic equations and workspace: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diagnostic advective velocities are in units of cm/sec ! adv_vet = advective velocity on the eastern face of a "T" cell ! adv_vnt = advective velocity on the northern face of a "T" cell ! adv_veu = advective velocity on the eastern face of a "u" cell ! adv_vnu = advective velocity on the northern face of a "u" cell ! adv_vbt = advective velocity on the bottom face of a "T" cell ! adv_vbu = advective velocity on the bottom face of a "u" cell ! rho = density at centre of a "T" cell in units of gm/cm**3 ! note: there is an arbitrary constant which is only a ! function of depth in "rho". It is related to ! subtracting a reference level density for purposes of ! accuracy. ! grad_p = hydrostatic pressure gradient for "u" cell. There are ! two components: (1,2) is for (dp/dx, dp/dy) real adv_vet, adv_vnt, adv_veu, adv_vnu, adv_vbt, adv_vbu, rho real rhotaum1, rhotaup1, rhotilde, grad_p common /mw_r/ adv_vet(imt,km,jsmw:jmw), adv_vnt(imt,km,1:jmw) common /mw_r/ adv_veu(imt,km,jsmw:jemw) common /mw_r/ adv_vnu(imt,km,1:jemw) common /mw_r/ adv_vbt(imt,0:km,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ adv_vbu(imt,0:km,jsmw:jemw) common /mw_r/ rho(imt,km,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ grad_p(imt,km,jsmw:jemw,2) ! tmask = tracer cell land/sea mask = (0.0, 1.0) on (land, sea) ! umask = velocity cell land/sea mask = (0.0, 1.0) on (land, sea) real tmask, umask common /mw_r/ tmask(imt,km,1:jmw), umask(imt,km,1:jmw) ! these workspace arrays are recalculated for each component of the ! equations so do not have to be moved as the MW moves northward. ! adv_fe = advective flux across the eastern face of a cell ! adv_fn = advective flux across the northern face of a cell ! (removed in most cases and put directly into the ! statement functions for speed optimization.) ! adv_fb = advective flux across the bottom face of a cell ! diff_fe = diffusive flux across the eastern face of a cell ! diff_fn = diffusive flux across the northern face of a cell ! diff_fb = diffusive flux across the bottom face of a cell ! source = source term real adv_fe common /mw_r/ adv_fe(imt,km,jsmw:jemw) real adv_fn common /mw_r/ adv_fn(imt,km,1:jemw) real adv_fb, diff_fe common /mw_r/ adv_fb(imt,0:km,jsmw:jemw) common /mw_r/ diff_fe(imt,km,jsmw:jemw) real diff_fn common /mw_r/ diff_fn(imt,km,1:jemw) real diff_fb common /mw_r/ diff_fb(imt,0:km,jsmw:jemw) real diff_fbiso common /mw_r/ diff_fbiso(imt,0:km,jsmw:jemw) real source common /mw_r/ source(imt,km,jsmw:jemw) real zzi common /mw_r/ zzi(imt,km,jsmw:jemw) ! these grid factors are for optimizations and are recalculated as ! the MW moves northward so they do not have to be moved. real cstdxtr, cstdxur, cstdxt2r, ah_cstdxur, csudxur, csudxtr real csudxu2r, am_csudxtr common /mw_r/ cstdxtr(imt,jsmw:jmw), cstdxur(imt,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ cstdxt2r(imt,jsmw:jmw), ah_cstdxur(imt,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ csudxur(imt,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ csudxtr(imt,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ csudxu2r(imt,jsmw:jmw) common /mw_r/ am_csudxtr(imt,km,jsmw:jmw) ! these variables are either constant or globally dimensioned by ! "jmt", so they do not need to be moved as the MW moves northward ! advmet = coeff for metric advection. ! cori = Coriolis parameter for velocity component "n" real advmet, cori, cf common /advec_r/ advmet(jmt,2) common /coriol_r/ cori(imt,jmt,2) common /extwrk_r/ cf(imt,jmt,-1:1,-1:1) ! smf = surface momentum flux ! 1 => zonal wind stress (dynes/cm**2) ! 2 => meridional wind stress (dynes/cm**2) ! bmf = bottom momentum flux ! 1 => zonal bottom drag (dynes/cm**2) ! 2 => meridional bottom drag (dynes/cm**2) ! stf = surface tracer flux ! 1 => surface heat flux (cal/cm**2/sec = cm*degC/sec = ly/sec) ! 2 => surface salt flux (grams of salt/cm**2/sec) ! btf = bottom tracer flux (for consistency but normally zero!) ! 1 => bottom heat flux (cal/cm**2/sec = cm*degC/sec = ly/sec) ! 2 => bottom salt flux (grams of salt/cm**2/sec) real smf, bmf, stf, btf common /mw_r/ smf(imt,1:jmw,2), bmf(imt,1:jmw,2) common /mw_r/ stf(imt,1:jmw,nt), btf(imt,1:jmw,nt) ! "antidiffusive" flux as in Zalesak, 1989( see FCTstm.h) ! same for R+, R- ! anti_fe = antidiffusive flux across the eastern face of a T cell ! anti_fn = antidiffusive flux across the northern face of a T cell ! anti_fb = antidiffusive flux across the bottom face of a T cell ! R_plusY = ratio of maximal feasible to maximal possible change ! of tracer T in subroutine tracer.F, N-S dimension delimiter ! R_minusY = ratio of minimal feasible to minimal possible change ! of tracer T in subroutine tracer.F, N-S dimension delimiter real anti_fe, anti_fn, anti_fb, R_plusY, R_minusY common /mw_r/ anti_fe(imt,km,jsmw:jmw,nt) common /mw_r/ anti_fn(imt,km,1:jmw-1+jmw/jmt,nt) common /mw_r/ anti_fb(imt,0:km,jsmw:jmw,nt) common /mw_r/ R_plusY(imt,km,1:jmw-1+jmw/jmt,nt) common /mw_r/ R_minusY(imt,km,1:jmw-1+jmw/jmt,nt)