subroutine embm_tsi_def (fname, calendar, expnam, runstamp) #if defined O_embm !======================================================================= ! output routine for atmospheric time step integrals ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! calendar = calendar ! expnam = experiment name ! runstamp = run stamp !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname, calendar, expnam, runstamp integer id(1), id_time, iou real c0, c1, c100, c500, c1e3, c1e20 c0 = 0. c1 = 1. c100 = 100. c500 = 500. c1e3 = 1.e3 c1e20 = 1.e20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call openfile (fname, iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! start definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call redef (iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write global attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'Conventions', 'CF-1.0') call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'experiment_name', expnam) call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'run_stamp', runstamp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call defdim ('time', iou, 0, id_time) id(1) = id_time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call defvar ('time', iou, 1, id, c0, c0, 'T', 'D' # if defined O_units_time_years # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 &, 'time', 'time', 'years since 1-1-1') # else &, 'time', 'time', 'years since 0-1-1') # endif # else # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 &, 'time', 'time', 'days since 1-1-1') # else &, 'time', 'time', 'days since 0-1-1') # endif # endif call putatttext (iou, 'time', 'calendar', calendar) call defvar ('T_avgper', iou, 1, id, c0, c0, ' ', 'F' &, 'averaging period', ' ','day') call defvar ('A_sat', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'global average surface air temperature', ' ', 'C') # else &, 'global average surface air temperature', ' ', 'K') # endif call defvar ('A_shum', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ', 'F' &, 'global average surface specific humidity', ' ', '1') call defvar ('F_precip', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average precipitation', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_evap', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average evaporation', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('A_co2', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average CO2 concentration', ' ','ppm') call defvar ('F_co2emit', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total CO2 emissions', ' ','kg s-1') call defvar ('A_maxiter', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'maximum atmosphere solver iterations', ' ','1') # if defined O_carbon_14 call defvar ('A_dc14', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'global average delta C14 concentration', ' ','permil') # endif # if defined O_cfcs_data_transient call defvar ('A_cfc11', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average CFC11 concentration', ' ','ppt') call defvar ('A_cfc12', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average CFC12 concentration', ' ','ppt') # endif # if defined O_ice call defvar ('O_snovol', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global snow volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('O_icevol', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'global sea ice volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('O_icearea', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'global sea ice area', ' ', 'm2') # if defined O_landice_data_transient || defined O_ism call defvar ('L_icevol', iou, 1, id, c0 &, c1e20, ' ', 'F', 'global land ice volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('L_icearea', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'global land ice area', ' ', 'm2') # endif # endif # if defined O_tai_ns call defvar ('A_satN', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'F', 'NH average surface air temperature', ' ', 'C') call defvar ('A_satS', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' &, 'F', 'SH average surface air temperature', ' ', 'C') # else &, 'F', 'NH average surface air temperature', ' ', 'K') call defvar ('A_satS', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' &, 'F', 'SH average surface air temperature', ' ', 'K') # endif call defvar ('A_shumN', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'NH average surface specific humidity', ' ', '1') call defvar ('A_shumS', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'SH average surface specific humidity', ' ', '1') call defvar ('F_precipN', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'NH average precipitation', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_precipS', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'SH average precipitation', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_evapN', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'NH average evaporation', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_evapS', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'SH average evaporation', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') # if defined O_ice call defvar ('O_snovolN', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'NH snow volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('O_snovolS', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'SH snow volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('O_icevolN', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'NH sea ice volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('O_icevolS', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'SH sea ice volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('O_iceareaN', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'NH sea ice area', ' ', 'm2') call defvar ('O_iceareaS', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20 &, ' ', 'F', 'SH sea ice area', ' ', 'm2') # if defined O_landice_data_transient || defined O_ism call defvar ('L_icevolN', iou, 1, id, c0 &, c1e20, ' ', 'F', 'NH land ice volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('L_icevolS', iou, 1, id, c0 &, c1e20, ' ', 'F', 'SH land ice volume', ' ', 'm3') call defvar ('L_iceareaN', iou, 1, id, c0 &, c1e20, ' ', 'F', 'NH land ice area', ' ', 'm2') call defvar ('L_iceareaS', iou, 1, id, c0 &, c1e20, ' ', 'F', 'SH land ice area', ' ', 'm2') # endif # endif # endif # if defined O_tai_lo # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call defvar ('A_satL', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' &, 'F', 'average surface air temperature over land', ' ', 'C') call defvar ('A_satO', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' &, 'F', 'average surface air temperature over ocean', ' ', 'C') # else call defvar ('A_satL', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' &, 'F', 'average surface air temperature over land', ' ', 'K') call defvar ('A_satO', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' &, 'F', 'average surface air temperature over ocean', ' ', 'K') # endif call defvar ('F_precipL', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'average precipitation over land', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_precipO', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'average precipitation over ocean', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_evapL', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'average evaporation over land', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_evapO', iou, 1, id, -c100, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'average evaporation over ocean', ' ','kg m-2 s-1') # endif # if defined O_tai_rad call defvar ('F_solins', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'incoming solar insolation', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_upsens', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'surface upward sensible heat', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_uplwr', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'surface net upward longwave', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_outlwr', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'TOA outgoing longwave', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_dnswr', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'net surface downward shortwave (abs.)', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_absswr', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'net absorbed shortwave radiation', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_netrad', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ' &, 'F', 'net top of the atmosphere radiation', ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('A_albplt', iou, 1, id, c0, c1, ' ' &, 'F', 'plantary albedo', ' ', '1') call defvar ('A_albatm', iou, 1, id, c0, c1, ' ' &, 'F', 'atmospheric albedo', ' ', '1') call defvar ('A_albsur', iou, 1, id, c0, c1, ' ' &, 'F', 'surface albedo', ' ', '1') # if defined O_tai_lo call defvar ('A_albsurL', iou, 1, id, c0, c1, ' ' &, 'F', 'land surface albedo', ' ', '1') call defvar ('A_albsurO', iou, 1, id, c0, c1, ' ' &, 'F', 'ocean surface albedo', ' ', '1') # endif # endif call defvar ('O_tempsur', iou, 1, id, -c100, c500, ' ' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'F', 'global average sea surface temperature', ' ','C') # else &, 'F', 'global average sea surface temperature', ' ','K') # endif call defvar ('O_salsur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface salinity', ' ','psu') # if defined O_carbon call defvar ('O_dicsur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface dic', ' ','mol m-3') # if defined O_carbon_14 call defvar ('O_c14sur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface c14', ' ','mol m-3') # endif # endif # if defined O_npzd_alk call defvar ('O_alksur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface alkalinity', ' ','mol m-3') # endif # if defined O_npzd_o2 call defvar ('O_o2sur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface oxygen', ' ','mol m-3') # endif # if defined O_npzd call defvar ('O_po4sur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface phosphate', ' ','mol m-3') # if defined O_npzd_nitrogen call defvar ('O_no3sur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface nitrate', ' ','mol m-3') # endif # endif # if defined O_cfcs_data_transient call defvar ('O_cfc11sur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface cfc11', ' ','mol m-3') call defvar ('O_cfc12sur', iou, 1, id, c0, c100, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average sea surface cfc12', ' ','mol m-3') # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient call defvar ('A_sulphfor', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'global average upward shortwave flux due to sulphates' &, ' ', 'W m-2') # endif # if defined O_volcano_data_transient call defvar ('A_volcfor', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'global average outward shortwave flux due to volcanos' &, ' ', 'W m-2') # endif # if defined O_aggfor_data_transient call defvar ('A_aggfor', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'global average longwave reduction due to additional gases' &, ' ', 'W m-2') # endif # if defined O_save_carbon_totals call defvar ('A_totcarb', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'global average total atmosphere carbon', ' ', 'Pg') call defvar ('A_carbemit', iou, 1, id, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'global total carbon emissions', ' ', 'Pg') # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call enddef (iou) return end subroutine embm_tsi_out (fname, avgper, time, stamp, sat, shum &, precip, evap, v_oice, a_oice, v_snow &, v_lice, a_lice, co2ccn, co2emit, dc14ccn &, cfc11ccn, cfc12ccn, scan, nsat, ssat &, nshum, sshum, nprecip, sprecip, nevap &, sevap, v_noice, v_soice, a_noice &, a_soice, v_nsnow, v_ssnow, v_nlice &, v_slice, a_nlice, a_slice, lsat, osat &, lprecip, oprecip, levap, oevap, solins &, upsens, uplwr, outlwr, dnswr, absswr &, netrad, palb, aalb, salb, lsalb, osalb &, sst, sss, ssdic, ssc14, ssalk, sso2 &, sspo4, ssno3, sscfc11, sscfc12, sulph &, volc, agg, catm, carbemit, ntrec) !======================================================================= ! output routine for atmospheric time step integrals ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! avgper = length of averaging period ! time = time in years ! stamp = time stamp ! sat, ... = data to be written ! outputs: ! ntrec = number of time record in file !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname, stamp integer iou, ntrec, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec real sat, shum, precip, evap, v_oice, a_oice, v_snow, v_lice real a_lice, co2ccn, co2emit, scan, dc14ccn, cfc11ccn, cfc12ccn real nsat, ssat, nshum, sshum, nprecip, sprecip, nevap, sevap real v_noice, v_soice, a_noice, a_soice, v_nsnow, v_ssnow real v_nlice, v_slice, a_nlice, a_slice, lsat, osat, lprecip real oprecip, levap, oevap, avgper, solins, upsens, uplwr real outlwr, dnswr, absswr, netrad, palb, aalb, salb, lsalb real osalb, sst, sss, ssdic, ssc14, ssalk, sso2, sspo4, ssno3 real sscfc11, sscfc12, sulph, volc, agg, catm, carbemit, time, tmp real c0, c1, c100, c1e3, c1e4, c1e6, p1, p001, p035, cal2J, C2K c0 = 0. c1 = 1. c100 = 100. c1e3 = 1.e3 c1e4 = 1.e4 c1e6 = 1.e6 C2K = 273.15 p1 = 0.1 p001 = 0.001 p035 = 0.035 cal2J = 2.389e-05 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file and get latest record number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call opennext (fname, time, ntrec, iou) if (ntrec .le. 0) ntrec = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putvars ('time', iou, ntrec, time, c1, c0) call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) call putvars ('T_avgper', iou, ntrec, avgper, c1, c0) # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvars ('A_sat', iou, ntrec, sat, c1, c0) # else call putvars ('A_sat', iou, ntrec, sat, c1, -C2K) # endif call putvars ('A_shum', iou, ntrec, shum, c1, c0) call putvars ('F_precip', iou, ntrec, precip, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_evap', iou, ntrec, evap, p1, c0) call putvars ('A_co2', iou, ntrec, co2ccn, c1, c0) call putvars ('F_co2emit', iou, ntrec, co2emit, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_maxiter', iou, ntrec, scan, c1, c0) # if defined O_carbon_14 call putvars ('A_dc14', iou, ntrec, dc14ccn, c1, c0) # endif # if defined O_cfcs_data_transient call putvars ('A_cfc11', iou, ntrec, cfc11ccn, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_cfc12', iou, ntrec, cfc12ccn, c1, c0) # endif # if defined O_ice call putvars ('O_icevol', iou, ntrec, v_oice, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('O_icearea', iou, ntrec, a_oice, c1e4, c0) call putvars ('O_snovol', iou, ntrec, v_snow, c1e6, c0) # if defined O_landice_data_transient || defined O_ism call putvars ('L_icevol', iou, ntrec, v_lice, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('L_icearea', iou, ntrec, a_lice, c1e4, c0) # endif # endif # if defined O_tai_ns # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvars ('A_satN', iou, ntrec, nsat, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_satS', iou, ntrec, ssat, c1, c0) # else call putvars ('A_satN', iou, ntrec, nsat, c1, -C2K) call putvars ('A_satS', iou, ntrec, ssat, c1, -C2K) # endif call putvars ('A_shumN', iou, ntrec, nshum, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_shumS', iou, ntrec, sshum, c1, c0) call putvars ('F_precipN', iou, ntrec, nprecip, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_precipS', iou, ntrec, sprecip, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_evapN', iou, ntrec, nevap, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_evapS', iou, ntrec, sevap, p1, c0) # if defined O_ice call putvars ('O_icevolN', iou, ntrec, v_noice, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('O_icevolS', iou, ntrec, v_soice, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('O_iceareaN', iou, ntrec, a_noice, c1e4, c0) call putvars ('O_iceareaS', iou, ntrec, a_soice, c1e4, c0) call putvars ('O_snovolN', iou, ntrec, v_nsnow, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('O_snovolS', iou, ntrec, v_ssnow, c1e6, c0) # if defined O_landice_data_transient || defined O_ism call putvars ('L_icevolN', iou, ntrec, v_nlice, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('L_icevolS', iou, ntrec, v_slice, c1e6, c0) call putvars ('L_iceareaN', iou, ntrec, a_nlice, c1e4, c0) call putvars ('L_iceareaS', iou, ntrec, a_slice, c1e4, c0) # endif # endif # endif # if defined O_tai_lo # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvars ('A_satL', iou, ntrec, lsat, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_satO', iou, ntrec, osat, c1, c0) # else call putvars ('A_satL', iou, ntrec, lsat, c1, -C2K) call putvars ('A_satO', iou, ntrec, osat, c1, -C2K) # endif call putvars ('F_precipL', iou, ntrec, lprecip, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_precipO', iou, ntrec, oprecip, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_evapL', iou, ntrec, levap, p1, c0) call putvars ('F_evapO', iou, ntrec, oevap, p1, c0) # endif # if defined O_tai_rad call putvars ('F_solins', iou, ntrec, solins, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('F_upsens', iou, ntrec, upsens, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('F_uplwr', iou, ntrec, uplwr, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('F_outlwr', iou, ntrec, outlwr, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('F_dnswr', iou, ntrec, dnswr, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('F_absswr', iou, ntrec, absswr, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('F_netrad', iou, ntrec, netrad, c1e3, c0) call putvars ('A_albplt', iou, ntrec, palb, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_albatm', iou, ntrec, aalb, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_albsur', iou, ntrec, salb, c1, c0) # if defined O_tai_lo call putvars ('A_albsurL', iou, ntrec, lsalb, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_albsurO', iou, ntrec, osalb, c1, c0) # endif # endif # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvars ('O_tempsur', iou, ntrec, sst, c1, c0) # else call putvars ('O_tempsur', iou, ntrec, sst, c1, -C2K) # endif call putvars ('O_salsur', iou, ntrec, sss, p001, -p035) # if defined O_carbon call putvars ('O_dicsur', iou, ntrec, ssdic, c1, c0) # if defined O_carbon_14 call putvars ('O_c14sur', iou, ntrec, ssc14, c1, c0) # endif # endif # if defined O_npzd_alk call putvars ('O_alksur', iou, ntrec, ssalk, c1, c0) # endif # if defined O_npzd_o2 call putvars ('O_o2sur', iou, ntrec, sso2, c1, c0) # endif # if defined O_npzd call putvars ('O_po4sur', iou, ntrec, sspo4, c1e3, c0) # if defined O_npzd_nitrogen call putvars ('O_no3sur', iou, ntrec, ssno3, c1e3, c0) # endif # endif # if defined O_cfcs_data_transient call putvars ('O_cfc11sur', iou, ntrec, sscfc11, c1, c0) call putvars ('O_cfc12sur', iou, ntrec, sscfc12, c1, c0) # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient call putvars ('A_sulphfor', iou, ntrec, sulph, c1e3, c0) # endif # if defined O_volcano_data_transient call putvars ('A_volcfor', iou, ntrec, volc, c1e3, c0) # endif # if defined O_aggfor_data_transient call putvars ('A_aggfor', iou, ntrec, agg, c1e3, c0) # endif # if defined O_save_carbon_totals call putvars ('A_totcarb', iou, ntrec, catm, c1, c0) call putvars ('A_carbemit', iou, ntrec, carbemit, c1, c0) # endif #endif return end