subroutine embmout (is, ie, js, je) #if defined O_embm !======================================================================= ! output routine for energy-moisture balance model ! input: ! is, ie, js, je = starting and ending indicies for i and j !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, new_file_name character(32) :: nstamp character(3) :: a3 integer i, ie, is, id_xt, id_yt, iou, j, je, js, n, L integer ndx, ntrec, it(10), ib(10), ic(10) integer nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec logical exists, inqvardef real avgper, ca, time, wt, wtp1 real c100, c500, C2K, tmp include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "csbc.h" include "atm.h" include "solve.h" include "coord.h" include "grdvar.h" include "levind.h" # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice include "cpts.h" # endif include "ice.h" # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice include "evp.h" # endif # if defined O_mtlm include "mtlm.h" # endif include "cembm.h" include "iounit.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" include "riv.h" # if defined O_orbit_transient include "insolation.h" # endif # if defined O_mom include "cregin.h" # else integer mskhr(imt,jmt) # endif # if defined O_embm_running_average real tmpij(imtm2,jmtm2), tmpi(imtm2), tmpj(jmtm2) # endif real tmp_at(imt,jmt,nat) # if defined O_mtlm real sm(imt,jmt), st(imt,jmt), hs(imt,jmt), ro(imt,jmt) real rntatsl, rntatil # endif real p_alb(is:ie,js:je), a_alb(is:ie,js:je), s_alb(is:ie,js:je) real sat(is:ie,js:je), ta_outswr(is:ie,js:je) real ta_netrad(is:ie,js:je) c100 = 100. c500 = 500. C2K = 273.15 # if !defined O_mom mskhr(:,:) = 0.0 # endif # if defined O_embm_running_average if (timavgts .or. eorun) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write running average air temperature and humidity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call embmbc (rtbar) fname = new_file_name ("") call opennew (fname, iou) call redef (iou) call defdim ('longitude', iou, imtm2, id_xt) call defdim ('latitude', iou, jmtm2, id_yt) it(:) = id_xt call defvar ('longitude', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'F' &, 'longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees') it(:) = id_yt call defvar ('latitude', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'F' &, 'latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees') it(1) = id_xt call defvar ('A_slat', iou, 2, it, -c100, c500 &, '', 'F', 'running annual average sea level air temperature' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, '', 'C') # else &, '', 'K') # endif call enddef (iou) ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = imtm2 tmpi(1:imtm2) = xt(2:imtm1) call putvara ('longitude', iou, imtm2, ib, ic, tmpi, c1, c0) ic(:) = jmtm2 tmpj(1:jmtm2) = yt(2:jmtm1) call putvara ('latitude', iou, jmtm2, ib, ic, tmpj, c1, c0) ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = 1 ic(1) = imtm2 ic(2) = jmtm2 tmpij(1:imtm2,1:jmtm2) = rtbar(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1) call putvara ('A_slat', iou, imtm2*jmtm2, ib, ic, tmpij # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, c1, c0) # else &, c1, -C2K) # endif endif # endif # if defined O_time_step_monitor if (tsits .and. ntatia .ne. 0) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write atmospheric time series data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ta_embm_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 2) time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = time call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) if (iotsi .eq. stdout .or. iotsi .lt. 0) then write (*,'(1x, a3, i7, 1x, a32, 3(a,1pe13.6))') & 'ts=',itt, nstamp, ' iterations =', tai_maxit &, ' TAbar=', tai_sat, ' QAbar=', tai_shum endif # if defined O_mtlm rntatil = 0. if (ntatil .gt. 0) rntatil = 1./float(ntatil) tai_hsno = tai_hsno + tai_LYING_SNOW*1000.*rntatil/rhosno # endif call def_tsi call def_tsi_embm (fname) # if defined O_save_carbon_totals ! convert from ppmv to Pg tai_catm = tai_co2ccn*1.e-15*atmsa/gtoppm # else tai_catm = 0. # endif # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 ! make output time relative to year 1 time = time - 1. # endif avgper = tsiper*accel if (avgper .le. 1e-6) avgper = 0. # if defined O_save_time_endper tmp = 0. # elif defined O_save_time_startper tmp = 1. # else tmp = 0.5 # endif # if defined O_units_time_years # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time - tmp*avgper/360. # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time - tmp*avgper/365.25 # else time = time - tmp*avgper/365. # endif # else # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time*360. - tmp*avgper # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time*365.25 - tmp*avgper # else time = time*365. - tmp*avgper # endif # endif ! convert emissions from g cm-2 to kg s-1 tmp = tai_co2emit*atmsa*1.e-3 call embm_tsi_out (fname, avgper, time, nstamp, tai_sat &, tai_shum, tai_precip, tai_evap, tai_ohice &, tai_oaice, tai_hsno, tai_lhice, tai_laice &, tai_co2ccn, tmp, tai_dc14ccn, tai_cfc11ccn &, tai_cfc12ccn, tai_maxit, tai_nsat, tai_ssat &, tai_nshum, tai_sshum, tai_nprecip &, tai_sprecip, tai_nevap, tai_sevap, tai_nohice &, tai_sohice, tai_noaice, tai_soaice, tai_nhsno &, tai_shsno, tai_nlhice, tai_slhice, tai_nlaice &, tai_slaice, tai_lsat, tai_osat, tai_lprecip &, tai_oprecip, tai_levap, tai_oevap &, tai_solins, tai_upsens, tai_uplwr, tai_outlwr &, tai_dnswr, tai_absswr, tai_netrad, tai_palb &, tai_aalb, tai_salb, tai_lsalb, tai_osalb &, tai_sst, tai_sss, tai_ssdic, tai_ssc14 &, tai_ssalk, tai_sso2, tai_sspo4, tai_ssno3 &, tai_sscfc11, tai_sscfc12, tai_sulph &, tai_volc, tai_agg, tai_catm, tai_carbemit &, ntrec) call ta_embm_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 0) endif # endif # if defined O_time_averages if (timavgts .and. ntatsa .ne. 0) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write atmospheric time averaged data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate average values call ta_embm_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 2) ! write time averaged data # if defined O_mtlm rntatsl = 0. if (ntatsl .gt. 0) rntatsl = 1./float(ntatsl) call unloadland (POINTS, TA_M, imt, jmt, land_map, sm) call unloadland (POINTS, TA_TSTAR_GB, imt, jmt, land_map, st) call unloadland (POINTS, TA_LYING_SNOW, imt, jmt, land_map, hs) call unloadland (POINTS, TA_SURF_ROFF, imt, jmt, land_map, ro) # endif do j=js,je do i=is,ie sat(i,j) = ta_at(i,j,isat) - elev(i,j)*rlapse # if defined O_landice_data & - hicel(i,j,2)*rlapse # endif # if defined O_sealev || defined O_sealev_data & - elev_sealev(i,j)*rlapse # endif if (ta_solins(i,j) .gt. 0) then ! calculate incoming swr reaching the surface tmp = ta_solins(i,j) - ta_arswr(i,j) - ta_absin(i,j) s_alb(i,j) = 1. - ta_dnswr(i,j)/tmp a_alb(i,j) = ta_arswr(i,j)/ta_solins(i,j) ! calculate outgoing swr leaving the atmosphere tmp = tmp - ta_dnswr(i,j) - ta_absout(i,j) ta_outswr(i,j) = ta_arswr(i,j) + tmp p_alb(i,j) = (ta_outswr(i,j))/ta_solins(i,j) ta_netrad(i,j) = ta_solins(i,j) - ta_outswr(i,j) & - ta_outlwr(i,j) else s_alb(i,j) = -1. a_alb(i,j) = -1. p_alb(i,j) = -1. ta_outswr(i,j) = 0. ta_netrad(i,j) = -ta_outlwr(i,j) endif # if defined O_mtlm if (land_map(i,j) .eq. 0) then sm(i,j) = ta_soilm(i,j) st(i,j) = ta_surf(i,j) else ! convert from kg m-2 to cm (converted back later) sm(i,j) = sm(i,j)*rntatsl*0.1 ! convert from K to C (converted back later) st(i,j) = st(i,j)*rntatsl - C2K ! convert from kg/m2/s to g/cm2/s (converted back later) ta_runoff(i,j) = ro(i,j)*rntatsl*0.1 # if defined O_ice ! convert from kg/m2 to cm (converted back later) ta_hsno(i,j) = hs(i,j)*rntatsl*0.1/rhosno # endif endif # endif # if defined O_ice if (ta_hsno(i,j) .lt. 0) ta_hsno(i,j) = 0. if (ta_hice(i,j) .lt. 0) ta_hice(i,j) = 0. if (ta_aice(i,j) .lt. 0) ta_aice(i,j) = 0. if (ta_aice(i,j) .gt. 1) ta_aice(i,j) = 1. # endif enddo enddo time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) call def_tavg call def_tavg_embm (fname) # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 ! make output time relative to year 1 time = time - 1. # endif avgper = timavgper*accel if (avgper .le. 1e-6) avgper = 0. # if defined O_save_time_endper tmp = 0. # elif defined O_save_time_startper tmp = 1. # else tmp = 0.5 # endif # if defined O_units_time_years # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time - tmp*avgper/360. # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time - tmp*avgper/365.25 # else time = time - tmp*avgper/365. # endif # else # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time*360. - tmp*avgper # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time*365.25 - tmp*avgper # else time = time*365. - tmp*avgper # endif # endif call embm_tavg_out (fname, is, ie, js, je, imt, jmt, nat, ncat &, xt, yt, xu, yu, dxt, dyt, dxu, dyu, avgper, time, nstamp &, mapat, ta_at, sat, ta_precip, ta_evap, ta_disch, ta_vflux &, ta_outlwr, ta_uplwr, ta_upsens, ta_dnswr, ta_solins &, ta_outswr, ta_netrad, p_alb, a_alb, s_alb, elev, ta_psno &, ta_ws, ta_runoff, ta_wx, ta_wy # if defined O_embm_awind &, ta_awx, ta_awy, ta_rtbar, ta_apress # endif # if defined O_mtlm &, sm, st # else &, ta_soilm, ta_surf # endif # if defined O_ice &, ta_tice, ta_hice, ta_aice, ta_hsno # endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice &, ta_Ts, ta_heff, ta_A, ta_hseff # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice &, ta_uice, ta_vice, ta_xint, ta_yint # endif &, tlat, tlon, ulat, ulon, tgarea, ugarea # if defined O_save_flxadj &, ta_flxadj(1,1,1), ta_flxadj(1,1,2) # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff &, ta_dn, ta_de # endif # if defined O_landice_data &, ta_aicel, ta_hicel # endif # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d &, ta_flux_co2 # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient &, ta_co2emit # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient &, ta_sulph # endif &, tmsk, mskhr, nriv, ntrec) write (*,'(a,i5,a,a,a,a)') '=> Atm time means #' &, ntrec, ' written to ',trim(fname),' on ', stamp ! zero time average accumulators call ta_embm_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 0) endif # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do things that need to be done only once a year !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (eoyear) then # if defined O_orbit_transient orbit_yr = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call orbit (orbit_yr, eccen, obliq, mvelp, lambm0) # endif # if defined O_landice_data_transient ! read new ice area (which may change ocean/land surface area) call icedata do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 umsk(i,j) = min (tmsk(i,j), tmsk(i+1,j), tmsk(i,j+1) &, tmsk(i+1,j+1)) enddo enddo call embmbc (umsk) ! remove isolated bays do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 tmsk(i,j) = max (umsk(i,j), umsk(i-1,j), umsk(i,j-1) &, umsk(i-1,j-1)) enddo enddo call embmbc (tmsk) do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 umsk(i,j) = min (tmsk(i,j), tmsk(i+1,j), tmsk(i,j+1) &, tmsk(i+1,j+1)) enddo enddo call embmbc (umsk) # if defined O_ice && !defined O_ice_cpts do j=1,jmt do i=1,imt if (tmsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then if (hice(i,j,1) .le. 0.) aice(i,j,1) = 0. if (hice(i,j,2) .le. 0.) aice(i,j,2) = 0. endif enddo enddo call embmbc (aice(1,1,1)) call embmbc (aice(1,1,2)) # endif ! recalculate rivers to be consistent with land masks call rivinit # if defined O_mtlm ! Create the VEG_INDEX array of land points with each type L = 0 land_map(:,:) = 0 LAND_PTS = 0 LAND_INDEX(:) = 0 do j=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 if (kmt(i,j) .le. klmax) then L = L + 1 # if defined O_landice_data if (aicel(i,j,2) .lt. 0.5 .and. tmsk(i,j) .lt. 0.5) then land_map(i,j) = L LAND_PTS = LAND_PTS + 1 LAND_INDEX(LAND_PTS) = L endif # else if (tmsk(i,j) .lt. 0.5) then land_map(i,j) = L LAND_PTS = LAND_PTS + 1 LAND_INDEX(LAND_PTS) = L endif # endif endif enddo enddo do N=1,NPFT VEG_PTS(N) = 0 do J=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(J) if (FRAC(L,N) .gt. FRAC_MIN + epsln) then VEG_PTS(N) = VEG_PTS(N) + 1 VEG_INDEX(VEG_PTS(N),N) = L endif enddo enddo # endif # if defined O_sealev ! set anomalous sea level ! calculate the area of exposed ocean ocnsa = 0. do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 ocnsa = ocnsa + dxt(i)*dyt(j)*cst(j)*tmsk(i,j) enddo enddo wt = ocnsa/atmsa do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 elev_sealev(i,j) = sealev*(1. - wt)*tmsk(i,j) & - sealev*wt*(1. - tmsk(i,j)) enddo enddo # endif # endif # if defined O_embm_running_average || defined O_embm_awind ! make new annual and running average call embmbc (atbar) if (totaltime .ge. yrlen*daylen - dtatm*0.5) then wt = 0.05 do j=js,je do i=is,ie rtbar(i,j) = (1.-wt)*rtbar(i,j) + wt*atbar(i,j)/totaltime atbar(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif totaltime = 0.0 # if defined O_embm_awind call calc_awind (is, ie, js, je) # endif # endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write atmospheric restart !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (restrt) then if (restts) then call def_rest (0) call def_rest_embm (0, fname) call embm_rest_out (fname, is, ie, js, je) endif if (eorun) then call def_rest (1) call def_rest_embm (1, fname) call embm_rest_out (fname, is, ie, js, je) endif endif #endif return end #if defined O_embm && defined O_time_averages subroutine ta_embm_tavg (is, ie, js, je, iflag) !======================================================================= ! atmospheric data time averaging ! input: ! is, ie, js, je = starting and ending indicies for i and j ! iflag = flag (0 = zero, 1 = accumulate, 2 = write) !======================================================================= implicit none integer is, ie, js, je, iflag, i, j, k, n, ndx real rntatsa include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" include "riv.h" # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice include "cpts.h" # endif include "ice.h" include "csbc.h" real dmsk(imt,jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time averaged data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iflag .eq. 0.) then ! zero ntatsa = 0 ta_at(:,:,:) = 0. ta_solins(:,:) = 0. ta_arswr(:,:) = 0. ta_dnswr(:,:) = 0. ta_absin(:,:) = 0. ta_absout(:,:) = 0. ta_uplwr(:,:) = 0. ta_upsens(:,:) = 0. ta_outlwr(:,:) = 0. ta_precip(:,:) = 0. ta_psno(:,:) = 0. ta_evap(:,:) = 0. ta_disch(:,:) = 0. ta_vflux(:,:) = 0. ta_ws(:,:) = 0. ta_runoff(:,:) = 0. ta_wx(:,:,:) = 0. ta_wy(:,:,:) = 0. # if defined O_embm_awind ta_awx(:,:) = 0. ta_awy(:,:) = 0. ta_rtbar(:,:) = 0. ta_apress(:,:) = 0. # endif ta_soilm(:,:) = 0. ta_surf(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_ice ta_tice(:,:) = 0. ta_hice(:,:) = 0. ta_aice(:,:) = 0. ta_hsno(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice ta_hseff(:,:,:) = 0. ta_Ts(:,:,:) = 0. ta_heff(:,:,:) = 0. ta_A(:,:,:) = 0. # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice ta_uice(:,:) = 0. ta_vice(:,:) = 0. ta_pice(:,:) = 0. ta_xint(:,:) = 0. ta_yint(:,:) = 0. # endif # endif # if defined O_save_flxadj ta_flxadj(:,:,:) = 0. # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff ta_dn(:,:,:) = 0. ta_de(:,:,:) = 0. # endif # if defined O_landice_data ta_aicel(:,:) = 0. ta_hicel(:,:) = 0. # endif # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d ta_flux_co2(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient ta_co2emit(:,:) = 0. # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient ta_sulph(:,:) = 0. # endif ta_psum(:) = 0. elseif (iflag .eq. 1) then ! accumulate ntatsa = ntatsa + 1 # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice ndx = 1 if (idx .eq. 1) ndx = 2 # endif do n=1,nat ta_at(:,:,n) = ta_at(:,:,n) + at(:,:,2,n) enddo ta_solins(:,:) = ta_solins(:,:) + solins(:,:) ta_arswr(:,:) = ta_arswr(:,:) + solins(:,:) & *(1. - sbc(:,:,iaca)) ta_dnswr(:,:) = ta_dnswr(:,:) + dnswr(:,:) ta_absin(:,:) = ta_absin(:,:) + solins(:,:)*sbc(:,:,iaca) & *scatter ta_absout(:,:) = ta_absout(:,:) + (solins(:,:)*sbc(:,:,iaca) & *pass - dnswr(:,:))*scatter ta_uplwr(:,:) = ta_uplwr(:,:) + uplwr(:,:) ta_upsens(:,:) = ta_upsens(:,:) + upsens(:,:) ta_outlwr(:,:) = ta_outlwr(:,:) + outlwr(:,:) ta_precip(:,:) = ta_precip(:,:) + precip(:,:) ta_psno(:,:) = ta_psno(:,:) + psno(:,:) ta_evap(:,:) = ta_evap(:,:) + evap(:,:) ta_disch(:,:) = ta_disch(:,:) + disch(:,:) ta_vflux(:,:) = ta_vflux(:,:) + vflux(:,:) ta_ws(:,:) = ta_ws(:,:) + sbc(:,:,iws) ta_runoff(:,:) = ta_runoff(:,:) + runoff(:,:) ta_wx(:,:,ishum) = ta_wx(:,:,ishum) + sbc(:,:,iwxq) ta_wy(:,:,ishum) = ta_wy(:,:,ishum) + sbc(:,:,iwyq) ta_wx(:,:,isat) = ta_wx(:,:,isat) + sbc(:,:,iwxt) ta_wy(:,:,isat) = ta_wy(:,:,isat) + sbc(:,:,iwyt) # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d ta_wx(:,:,ico2) = ta_wx(:,:,ico2) + sbc(:,:,iwxc) ta_wy(:,:,ico2) = ta_wy(:,:,ico2) + sbc(:,:,iwyc) # endif # if defined O_embm_awind ta_awx(:,:) = ta_awx(:,:) + awx(:,:) ta_awy(:,:) = ta_awy(:,:) + awy(:,:) ta_rtbar(:,:) = ta_rtbar(:,:) + rtbar(:,:) ta_apress(:,:) = ta_apress(:,:) + apress(:,:) # endif ta_soilm(:,:) = ta_soilm(:,:) + soilm(:,:,2) ta_surf(:,:) = ta_surf(:,:) + surf(:,:) # if defined O_ice # if defined O_ice_cpts dmsk(:,:) = 1. ! mask for ocean where (tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. do k=1,ncat ta_hseff(:,:,k) = ta_hseff(:,:,k) + hseff(:,:,ndx,k) ta_Ts(:,:,k) = ta_Ts(:,:,k) + Ts(:,:,ndx,k) ta_heff(:,:,k) = ta_heff(:,:,k) + heff(:,:,ndx,k) ta_A(:,:,k) = ta_A(:,:,k) + A(:,:,ndx,k) ta_tice(:,:) = ta_tice(:,:) + Ts(:,:,ndx,k)*dmsk(:,:)/ncat ta_hice(:,:) = ta_hice(:,:) + heff(:,:,ndx,k)*dmsk(:,:) ta_aice(:,:) = ta_aice(:,:) + A(:,:,ndx,k)*dmsk(:,:) ta_hsno(:,:) = ta_hsno(:,:) + hseff(:,:,ndx,k)*dmsk(:,:) enddo dmsk(:,:) = 1. ! mask for land where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. ta_aice(:,:) = ta_aice(:,:) + aice(:,:,2)*dmsk(:,:) ta_hsno(:,:) = ta_hsno(:,:) + hsno(:,:,2)*dmsk(:,:) # else ta_tice(:,:) = ta_tice(:,:) + tice(:,:) ta_hice(:,:) = ta_hice(:,:) + hice(:,:,2) ta_aice(:,:) = ta_aice(:,:) + aice(:,:,2) ta_hsno(:,:) = ta_hsno(:,:) + hsno(:,:,2) # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice ta_uice(:,:) = ta_uice(:,:) + uice(:,:) ta_vice(:,:) = ta_vice(:,:) + vice(:,:) ta_pice(:,:) = ta_pice(:,:) + pice(:,:) ta_xint(:,:) = ta_xint(:,:) + xint(:,:) ta_yint(:,:) = ta_yint(:,:) + yint(:,:) # endif # endif # if defined O_save_flxadj ta_flxadj(:,:,:) = ta_flxadj(:,:,:) + flxadj(:,:,:) # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff ta_dn(:,:,:) = ta_dn(:,:,:) + dn(:,:,:) ta_de(:,:,:) = ta_de(:,:,:) + de(:,:,:) # endif # if defined O_landice_data ta_aicel(:,:) = ta_aicel(:,:) + aicel(:,:,2) ta_hicel(:,:) = ta_hicel(:,:) + hicel(:,:,2) # endif # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d ta_flux_co2(:,:) = ta_flux_co2(:,:) + flux(:,:,ico2) # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient ta_co2emit(:,:) = ta_co2emit(:,:) + co2emit*co2dist(:,:,2) # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient ta_sulph(:,:) = ta_sulph(:,:) + sulph(:,:,2) & *solins(:,:)*sbc(:,:,iaca)*pass # endif ta_psum(:) = ta_psum(:) + psum(:) elseif (iflag .eq. 2 .and. ntatsa .ne. 0) then ! average rntatsa = 1./float(ntatsa) ta_at(:,:,:) = ta_at(:,:,:)*rntatsa ta_solins(:,:) = ta_solins(:,:)*rntatsa ta_arswr(:,:) = ta_arswr(:,:)*rntatsa ta_dnswr(:,:) = ta_dnswr(:,:)*rntatsa ta_absin(:,:) = ta_absin(:,:)*rntatsa ta_absout(:,:) = ta_absout(:,:)*rntatsa ta_uplwr(:,:) = ta_uplwr(:,:)*rntatsa ta_upsens(:,:) = ta_upsens(:,:)*rntatsa ta_outlwr(:,:) = ta_outlwr(:,:)*rntatsa ta_precip(:,:) = ta_precip(:,:)*rntatsa ta_psno(:,:) = ta_psno(:,:)*rntatsa ta_evap(:,:) = ta_evap(:,:)*rntatsa ta_disch(:,:) = ta_disch(:,:)*rntatsa ta_vflux(:,:) = ta_vflux(:,:)*rntatsa ta_ws(:,:) = ta_ws(:,:)*rntatsa ta_runoff(:,:) = ta_runoff(:,:)*rntatsa ta_wx(:,:,:) = ta_wx(:,:,:)*rntatsa ta_wy(:,:,:) = ta_wy(:,:,:)*rntatsa # if defined O_embm_awind ta_awx(:,:) = ta_awx(:,:)*rntatsa ta_awy(:,:) = ta_awy(:,:)*rntatsa ta_rtbar(:,:) = ta_rtbar(:,:)*rntatsa ta_apress(:,:) = ta_apress(:,:)*rntatsa # endif ta_soilm(:,:) = ta_soilm(:,:)*rntatsa ta_surf(:,:) = ta_surf(:,:)*rntatsa # if defined O_ice ta_hsno(:,:) = ta_hsno(:,:)*rntatsa ta_tice(:,:) = ta_tice(:,:)*rntatsa ta_hice(:,:) = ta_hice(:,:)*rntatsa ta_aice(:,:) = ta_aice(:,:)*rntatsa # if defined O_ice_cpts ta_hseff(:,:,:) = ta_hseff(:,:,:)*rntatsa ta_Ts(:,:,:) = ta_Ts(:,:,:)*rntatsa ta_heff(:,:,:) = ta_heff(:,:,:)*rntatsa ta_A(:,:,:) = ta_A(:,:,:)*rntatsa # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice ta_uice(:,:) = ta_uice(:,:)*rntatsa ta_vice(:,:) = ta_vice(:,:)*rntatsa ta_pice(:,:) = ta_pice(:,:)*rntatsa ta_xint(:,:) = ta_xint(:,:)*rntatsa ta_yint(:,:) = ta_yint(:,:)*rntatsa # endif # endif # if defined O_save_flxadj ta_flxadj(:,:,1) = ta_flxadj(:,:,1)*rntatsa ta_flxadj(:,:,2) = ta_flxadj(:,:,2)*rntatsa # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff ta_dn(:,:,:) = ta_dn(:,:,:)*rntatsa ta_de(:,:,:) = ta_de(:,:,:)*rntatsa # endif # if defined O_landice_data ta_aicel(:,:) = ta_aicel(:,:)*rntatsa ta_hicel(:,:) = ta_hicel(:,:)*rntatsa # endif # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d ta_flux_co2(:,:) = ta_flux_co2(:,:)*rntatsa # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient ta_co2emit(:,:) = ta_co2emit(:,:)*rntatsa # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient ta_sulph(:,:) = ta_sulph(:,:)*rntatsa # endif ta_psum(:) = ta_psum(:)*rntatsa endif return end #endif #if defined O_embm && defined O_time_step_monitor subroutine ta_embm_tsi (is, ie, js, je, iflag) !======================================================================= ! atmospheric data time integral averaging ! input: ! is, ie, js, je = starting and ending indicies for i and j ! iflag = flag (0 = zero, 1 = accumulate, 2 = write) !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, is, ie, j, js, je, iflag, maxit, n real rntatia, sum, tmp, tmp_solins, tmp_outlwr, tmp_dnswr include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "grdvar.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice include "cpts.h" # endif include "ice.h" include "solve.h" real sat(imt,jmt), dmsk(imt,jmt) # if defined O_tai_rad real tmpij(imt,jmt) # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient real ts_sulph(imt,jmt) # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time averaged integrated data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iflag .eq. 0.) then ! zero ntatia = 0 tai_maxit = 0. tai_sat = 0. tai_shum = 0. tai_precip = 0. tai_evap = 0. tai_co2ccn = 0. tai_co2emit = 0. tai_dc14ccn = 0. tai_cfc11ccn = 0. tai_cfc12ccn = 0. tai_osat = 0. tai_oprecip = 0. tai_oevap = 0. tai_ohice = 0. tai_oaice = 0. tai_hsno = 0. tai_lsat = 0. tai_lprecip = 0. tai_levap = 0. tai_lhice = 0. tai_laice = 0. tai_nsat = 0. tai_nshum = 0. tai_nprecip = 0. tai_nevap = 0. tai_nohice = 0. tai_noaice = 0. tai_nhsno = 0. tai_nlhice = 0. tai_nlaice = 0. tai_ssat = 0. tai_sshum = 0. tai_sprecip = 0. tai_sevap = 0. tai_sohice = 0. tai_soaice = 0. tai_shsno = 0. tai_slhice = 0. tai_slaice = 0. tai_solins = 0. tai_dnswr = 0. tai_upsens = 0. tai_uplwr = 0. tai_outlwr = 0. tai_absswr = 0. tai_netrad = 0. tai_palb = 0. tai_aalb = 0. tai_salb = 0. tai_lsalb = 0. tai_osalb = 0. tai_sst = 0. tai_sss = 0. tai_ssdic = 0. tai_ssc14 = 0. tai_ssalk = 0. tai_sso2 = 0. tai_sspo4 = 0. tai_ssno3 = 0. tai_sscfc11 = 0. tai_sscfc12 = 0. tai_sulph = 0. tai_volc = 0. tai_agg = 0. tai_carbemit = 0. elseif (iflag .eq. 1) then ! accumulate ntatia = ntatia + 1 maxit = 0 # if defined O_embm_explicit maxit = ns # else do n=1,nat if (itout(n) .gt. maxit) maxit = itout(n) enddo # endif tai_maxit = tai_maxit + maxit sat(:,:) = at(:,:,2,isat) - elev(:,:)*rlapse # if defined O_landice_data & - hicel(:,:,2)*rlapse # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for global !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (sat, dmsk, tmp) tai_sat = tai_sat + tmp call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ishum), dmsk, tmp) tai_shum = tai_shum + tmp call areaavg (precip, dmsk, tmp) tai_precip = tai_precip + tmp call areaavg (evap, dmsk, tmp) tai_evap = tai_evap + tmp # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ico2), dmsk, tmp) tai_co2ccn = tai_co2ccn + tmp # else tai_co2ccn = tai_co2ccn + co2ccn # endif tai_co2emit = tai_co2emit + co2emit # if defined O_carbon && defined O_carbon_14 tai_dc14ccn = tai_dc14ccn + dc14ccn # endif # if defined O_cfcs_data_transient tai_cfc11ccn = tai_cfc11ccn + 0.5*(cfc11ccnn + cfc11ccns) tai_cfc12ccn = tai_cfc12ccn + 0.5*(cfc12ccnn + cfc12ccns) # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for global ocean !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_tai_lo call areaavg (sat, dmsk, tmp) tai_osat = tai_osat + tmp call areaavg (precip, dmsk, tmp) tai_oprecip = tai_oprecip + tmp call areaavg (evap, dmsk, tmp) tai_oevap = tai_oevap + tmp # endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (heff(1,1,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_ohice = tai_ohice + sum sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (A(1,1,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_oaice = tai_oaice + sum sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (hseff(:,:,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_hsno = tai_hsno + sum # elif defined O_ice call areatot (hice(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_ohice = tai_ohice + tmp call areatot (aice(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_oaice = tai_oaice + tmp call areatot (hsno(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_hsno = tai_hsno + tmp # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for global land !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_tai_lo call areaavg (sat, dmsk, tmp) tai_lsat = tai_lsat + tmp call areaavg (precip, dmsk, tmp) tai_lprecip = tai_lprecip + tmp call areaavg (evap, dmsk, tmp) tai_levap = tai_levap + tmp # endif # if defined O_ice call areatot (hsno(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_hsno = tai_hsno + tmp # endif # if defined O_landice_data where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areatot (hicel(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_lhice = tai_lhice + tmp call areatot (aicel(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_laice = tai_laice + tmp # endif # if defined O_tai_ns !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for northern hemisphere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tlat(:,:) .lt. 0.) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areaavg (sat, dmsk, tmp) tai_nsat = tai_nsat + tmp call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ishum), dmsk, tmp) tai_nshum = tai_nshum + tmp call areaavg (precip, dmsk, tmp) tai_nprecip = tai_nprecip + tmp call areaavg (evap, dmsk, tmp) tai_nevap = tai_nevap + tmp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for northern hemisphere ocean !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tlat(:,:) .lt. 0. .or. tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (heff(1,1,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_nohice = tai_nohice + sum sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (A(1,1,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_noaice = tai_noaice + sum sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (hseff(:,:,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_nhsno = tai_nhsno + sum # elif defined O_ice call areatot (hice(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_nohice = tai_nohice + tmp call areatot (aice(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_noaice = tai_noaice + tmp call areatot (hsno(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_nhsno = tai_nhsno + tmp # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for northern hemisphere land !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tlat(:,:) .lt. 0. .or. tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_ice call areatot (hsno(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_nhsno = tai_nhsno + tmp # endif # if defined O_landice_data where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areatot (hicel(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_nlhice = tai_nlhice + tmp call areatot (aicel(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_nlaice = tai_nlaice + tmp # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for southern hemisphere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tlat(:,:) .ge. 0.) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areaavg (sat, dmsk, tmp) tai_ssat = tai_ssat + tmp call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ishum), dmsk, tmp) tai_sshum = tai_sshum + tmp call areaavg (precip, dmsk, tmp) tai_sprecip = tai_sprecip + tmp call areaavg (evap, dmsk, tmp) tai_sevap = tai_sevap + tmp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for southern hemisphere ocean !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tlat(:,:) .ge. 0. .or. tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (heff(1,1,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_sohice = tai_sohice + sum sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (A(1,1,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_soaice = tai_soaice + sum sum = 0. do n=1,ncat call areatot (hseff(:,:,2,n), dmsk, tmp) sum = sum + tmp enddo tai_shsno = tai_shsno + sum # elif defined O_ice call areatot (hice(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_sohice = tai_sohice + tmp call areatot (aice(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_soaice = tai_soaice + tmp call areatot (hsno(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_shsno = tai_shsno + tmp # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set data mask for southern hemisphere land !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tlat(:,:) .ge. 0. .or. tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. # if defined O_ice call areatot (hsno(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_shsno = tai_shsno + tmp # endif # if defined O_landice_data where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areatot (hicel(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_slhice = tai_slhice + tmp call areatot (aicel(1,1,2), dmsk, tmp) tai_slaice = tai_slaice + tmp # endif # endif # if defined O_tai_rad dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (solins, dmsk, tmp) tai_solins = tai_solins + tmp ! save total incoming shortwave tmp_solins = tmp call areaavg (upsens, dmsk, tmp) tai_upsens = tai_upsens + tmp call areaavg (uplwr, dmsk, tmp) tai_uplwr = tai_uplwr + tmp call areaavg (outlwr, dmsk, tmp) tai_outlwr = tai_outlwr + tmp ! save total outgoing longwave tmp_outlwr = tmp call areaavg (dnswr, dmsk, tmp) tai_dnswr = tai_dnswr + tmp ! save total absorbed surface shortwave tmp_dnswr = tmp ! shortwave not reflected by the atmosphere tmpij(:,:) = solins(:,:)*sbc(:,:,iaca) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) ! atmospheric albedo is 1 - not refected/incoming if (tmp_solins .gt. 0) tai_aalb = tai_aalb+(1.-tmp/tmp_solins) ! surface albedo is 1 - not refected/incoming if (tmp .gt. 0) tai_salb = tai_salb + (1.-tmp_dnswr/(tmp*pass)) ! total absobed shortwave for planetary albedo ! this is confusing, it really is: dnswr + solins*sbc(iaca)*scatter ! + (solins*sbc(iaca)*pass - dnswr)*scatter tmpij(:,:) = tmpij(:,:)*scatter*(1. + pass)+dnswr(:,:)*pass call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_absswr = tai_absswr + tmp ! planetary albedo is 1 - not refected/incoming if (tmp_solins .gt. 0) tai_palb = tai_palb+(1.-tmp/tmp_solins) tai_netrad = tai_netrad + tmp - tmp_outlwr # if defined O_tai_lo dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areaavg (dnswr, dmsk, tmp_dnswr) tmpij(:,:) = solins(:,:)*sbc(:,:,iaca) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) if (tmp .gt. 0) tai_lsalb = tai_lsalb+(1.-tmp_dnswr/(tmp*pass)) dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areaavg (dnswr, dmsk, tmp_dnswr) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) if (tmp .gt. 0) tai_osalb = tai_osalb+(1.-tmp_dnswr/(tmp*pass)) # endif # endif dmsk(:,:) = 1. where (tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) dmsk(:,:) = 0. call areaavg (sbc(1,1,isst), dmsk, tmp) tai_sst = tai_sst + tmp call areaavg (sbc(1,1,isss), dmsk, tmp) tai_sss = tai_sss + tmp # if defined O_carbon call areaavg (sbc(1,1,issdic), dmsk, tmp) tai_ssdic = tai_ssdic + tmp # if defined O_carbon_14 call areaavg (sbc(1,1,issc14), dmsk, tmp) tai_ssc14 = tai_ssc14 + tmp # endif # endif # if defined O_npzd_alk call areaavg (sbc(1,1,issalk), dmsk, tmp) tai_ssalk = tai_ssalk + tmp # endif # if defined O_npzd_o2 call areaavg (sbc(1,1,isso2), dmsk, tmp) tai_sso2 = tai_sso2 + tmp # endif # if defined O_npzd call areaavg (sbc(1,1,isspo4), dmsk, tmp) tai_sspo4 = tai_sspo4 + tmp # if defined O_npzd_nitrogen call areaavg (sbc(1,1,issno3), dmsk, tmp) tai_ssno3 = tai_ssno3 + tmp # endif # endif # if defined O_cfcs_data_transient call areaavg (sbc(1,1,isscfc11), dmsk, tmp) tai_sscfc11 = tai_sscfc11 + tmp call areaavg (sbc(1,1,isscfc12), dmsk, tmp) tai_sscfc12 = tai_sscfc12 + tmp # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data_transient ts_sulph(:,:) = sulph(:,:,2)*solins(:,:)*sbc(:,:,iaca)*pass dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (ts_sulph, dmsk, tmp) tai_sulph = tai_sulph + tmp # endif # if defined O_volcano_data_transient tai_volc = tai_volc + volcfor # endif # if defined O_aggfor_data_transient tai_agg = tai_agg + aggfor # endif tai_carbemit = tai_carbemit + carbemit elseif (iflag .eq. 2 .and. ntatia .ne. 0) then ! average rntatia = 0. if (ntatia .gt. 0.) rntatia = 1./float(ntatia) tai_maxit = tai_maxit*rntatia tai_sat = tai_sat*rntatia tai_shum = tai_shum*rntatia tai_precip = tai_precip*rntatia tai_evap = tai_evap*rntatia tai_co2ccn = tai_co2ccn*rntatia tai_co2emit = tai_co2emit*rntatia tai_dc14ccn = tai_dc14ccn*rntatia tai_cfc11ccn = tai_cfc11ccn*rntatia tai_cfc12ccn = tai_cfc12ccn*rntatia tai_osat = tai_osat*rntatia tai_oprecip = tai_oprecip*rntatia tai_oevap = tai_oevap*rntatia tai_ohice = tai_ohice*rntatia tai_oaice = tai_oaice*rntatia tai_hsno = tai_hsno*rntatia tai_lsat = tai_lsat*rntatia tai_lprecip = tai_lprecip*rntatia tai_levap = tai_levap*rntatia tai_lhice = tai_lhice*rntatia tai_laice = tai_laice*rntatia tai_nsat = tai_nsat*rntatia tai_nshum = tai_nshum*rntatia tai_nprecip = tai_nprecip*rntatia tai_nevap = tai_nevap*rntatia tai_nohice = tai_nohice*rntatia tai_noaice = tai_noaice*rntatia tai_nhsno = tai_nhsno*rntatia tai_nlhice = tai_nlhice*rntatia tai_nlaice = tai_nlaice*rntatia tai_ssat = tai_ssat*rntatia tai_sshum = tai_sshum*rntatia tai_sprecip = tai_sprecip*rntatia tai_sevap = tai_sevap*rntatia tai_sohice = tai_sohice*rntatia tai_soaice = tai_soaice*rntatia tai_shsno = tai_shsno*rntatia tai_slhice = tai_slhice*rntatia tai_slaice = tai_slaice*rntatia tai_solins = tai_solins*rntatia tai_upsens = tai_upsens*rntatia tai_uplwr = tai_uplwr*rntatia tai_outlwr = tai_outlwr*rntatia tai_dnswr = tai_dnswr*rntatia tai_absswr = tai_absswr*rntatia tai_netrad = tai_netrad*rntatia tai_palb = tai_palb*rntatia tai_aalb = tai_aalb*rntatia tai_salb = tai_salb*rntatia tai_lsalb = tai_lsalb*rntatia tai_osalb = tai_osalb*rntatia tai_sst = tai_sst*rntatia tai_sss = tai_sss*rntatia tai_ssdic = tai_ssdic*rntatia tai_ssc14 = tai_ssc14*rntatia tai_ssalk = tai_ssalk*rntatia tai_sso2 = tai_sso2*rntatia tai_sspo4 = tai_sspo4*rntatia tai_ssno3 = tai_ssno3*rntatia tai_sscfc11 = tai_sscfc11*rntatia tai_sscfc12 = tai_sscfc12*rntatia tai_sulph = tai_sulph*rntatia tai_volc = tai_volc*rntatia tai_agg = tai_agg*rntatia tai_carbemit = tai_carbemit*rntatia endif return end #endif