Provides observed SST and ice mask data sets that have been interpolated onto your model's grid.
Name | Type | Value | Units | Description |
amip_interp_type | type (horiz_interp_type) | --- | --- | All variables in this data type are PRIVATE. It contains information needed by the interpolation module (exchange_mod) and buffers data. |
Interp = amip_interp_init ( blon, blat, mask, use_climo, use_annual, interp_method )
blon | Longitude in radians of the model's grid box edges. [real, dimension(:)] [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | Latitude in radians of the model's grid box edges. [real, dimension(:)] [real, dimension(:)] |
mask | A mask for the model grid. [logical, dimension(:,:)] [logical, dimension(:,:)] |
use_climo | Flag the specifies that monthly mean climatological values will be used. [logical] [logical] |
use_annual | Flag the specifies that the annual mean climatological
will be used. If both use_annual = use_climo = true,
then use_annual = true will be used. [logical] [logical] |
interp_method | specify the horiz_interp scheme. = "conservative" means conservative scheme,
= "bilinear" means bilinear interpolation. [character(len=*), optional] [character(len=*), optional] |
Interp | A defined data type variable needed when calling get_amip_sst and get_amip_ice. [amip_interp_type] [amip_interp_type] |
call amip_interp_end (Interp)
Interp | A defined data type variable initialized by amip_interp_init
and used when calling get_amip_sst and get_amip_ice. [amip_interp_type] |
call get_sst_grid_size (nlon, nlat)
nlon | The number of longitude points (first dimension) in the
observed data grid. For AMIP 1 nlon = 180, and the Reynolds nlon = 360. [integer] |
nlat | The number of latitude points (second dimension) in the
observed data grid. For AMIP 1 nlon = 91, and the Reynolds nlon = 180. [integer] |
call get_sst_grid_boundary (blon, blat, mask)
blon | The grid box edges (in radians) for longitude points of the
observed data grid. The size of this argument must be nlon+1. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The grid box edges (in radians) for latitude points of the
observed data grid. The size of this argument must be nlat+1. [real, dimension(:)] |
fail - program will fail if requested date is prior to or after the data set period. initclimo - program uses climatological requested data is prior to data set period and will fail if requested date is after data set period. climo - program uses climatological data anytime.
Add AMIP 2 data set.
Other data sets (or extend current data sets).